Update: 27 Feb 2025 by John @ Honey Honey Team
The 2-in-1 WiFiboard contains Two chipsets: ESP32 and nRF24
It is designed to extend the functionality of the Flipper Zero, adding support for Wi-Fi (by ESP32 + Marauder firmware) and 2.4GHz RF (by nRF24)
- ESP32-S2 Chipset for Wifi & Pre-load with Marauder
- NRF24 2.4Ghz Chipset
- Onboard switch for functionality selection
- Sentry safe pin, Reset button
- 1 * SMA antenna for 3 individual chipsets
- Onboard BOOT bottom and EN1 bottom
- MicroSD card slot
- 3D printed case (White, Crystal and Coral)
- Simply plug the board into the Flipper Zero, use the switch to select the chipset: 'N' stands for the nRF24 chipset, and 'E' stands for ESP32. Then, choose one of the corresponding apps on the Flipper, and you're good to go.
- The nRF24 and CC1101 chipsets do not require additional firmware to function. Most Flipper Zero firmware, including Momentum, Unleashed, and others, support them natively.
- The ESP32 requires Marauder firmware to function, and it comes pre-loaded with the firmware on the ESP32 chipset.
Click the Triangle for more details
To upgrade the Marauder of this Multiboard, we suggest using [ESP32 Flasher] from Momentum / Unleashed / Xtreme firmware. How to nevigate between menu and name of the menu might vary from firmware and firmware, but 90% should be identical
The testing environment is Xtreme Firmware 0053 Version.
While holding the < Boot1 / B > button on the board, click the < EN1 / E> button, then release the < Boot1 / B> button, then release the < EN1 / E> button. The board should be in bootloader mode now
Navigating Flipper Zero menu as following: < Apps > => < GPIO > => < [ESP] ESP Flasher > => < Quick Flash > => < Other ESP32-S2 > = < Marauder >
Flipper should start flashing the board with Marauder firmware from this point.
The screen should instruct you to reset the board if it did not auto-reset. Once reset, the process is complete.
- If this is your first time to try this function, it might take a few times to get it right, I would do the “press and release” action first before launching the ESP32 Flasher.
- If you would like to flash a particular version of the Marauder, the Marauder bin file need to drop into the ESP32 folder of the Flipper Zero micro SD card
- There are multiple ways to upgrade Marauder, but in our opinion, this method is the least complicated as of writing this manual.
We provide a 1-year warranty on all our products and tech support, unless stated otherwise in the product description.
FYI, our Etsy shop is no longer in operation. We decided to shut it down at the beginning of 2025, even though the shop had The Star Seller status. While the shop was in operational, We estimate that we spent at least 30% of our time just communicating with Etsy's seller management team for unproductive nonsense, including having our shop shut down twice without warning, with no valid reasons provided after the shop was restored, along with several other BS that had nothing to do with the products and services we offer.
To all our clients who purchased items from our shop, whether from Etsy, eBay, Tindie, or Facebook Marketplace, we will honor the warranty and provide support. Please feel free to email us at Support@honeyhoneylab.com. or Whatsapp
- Credit of the web flasher goes to @spacehuhn
- Credit of Marauder Firmware goes to @JustCallmeCoco
How do we test the board functionality pre-shipment?
Click the Triangle for more details
**For Marauder / ESP32: **
- Turn the switch onboard to the right side (ESP32 / E).
- Open an Flipper App Call < [ESP32] Marauder > => < Scan = > AP >. Flipper should start showing the different WIFI AP info in your surroundings.
- Sometimes the APP might freeze at < press back to send stopscan > momentarily. I usually wait for a few seconds or re-launch the app altogether.
For NRF24
- Turn the switch on board to left side (NRF24 / N)
- Open an Flipper App Call < [NRF24]Sniffer > , then click the middle bottom / enter bottom of Flipper Zero, the onscreen info of Sniffing should turn < No > to < Yes >. Also Address should start changing at this point, if there is working wireless mouses / keyboards nearby.
flipper zero, flipper, wifi board, marauder, network security, esp32, cc1101, nrf24, subghz, 2.4ghz, wifi,