This shiny app is a demonstrator that let's users decide whether a random far-right Telegram post contains Fear Speech and compares the users decision with the evaluation of a group of research annotators as well a AI classifier decision.
The Fear Speech Demonstrator can be reached here
The classifier was developed on a large database of German-speaking far-right Telegram communication following the annotation of a training sample (n = 8,000) and using transformer based BERTmodels. The classifier and corresponding scientific analysis is published here: Greipl, S., Hohner, J., Schulze, H., Schwabl, P. & Rieger, D (2024). “You are doomed!" Crisis-specific and Dynamic Use of Fear Speech in Protest and Extremist Radical Social Movements. Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media 4(2024), 1–46 10.51685/jqd.2024.icwsm.8