This project is created for a Hair Salon to manage employee details, service details and for booking appointments
- Create database locally by running Update-Database command in Package Manager Console
- Tools => Nuget Package Manager => Package Manage Console => type: Update-Database
- Employee
- Service
- Appointment
- Employee is the person providing the service.
- Service in current context is Hair Cut, Hair colour etc.
- Appointment can be booked by a customer by selecting the service, employee and the date and time of appointment.
- An Employee can provide multiple service.
- A service can be provided by multiple employees.
- Authentication
- Only Admin can perform add, update and delete operations on Employees & Services.
- String token is passed to API for authentication.
- Employee
- User can add an Employee (Admin only)
- User can edit Employee Information (Admin only)
- User can upload employee picture (Admin only)
- User can see list of Employees.
- On edit page admin can add a service to an employee or remove a service from an employee.
- User can view Employee details along with the appointments list.
- User can preview image before update.
- Service
- User can add a Service (Admin only)
- User can edit a Service (Admin only)
- User can delete a Service (Admin only)
- User can see list of services provided.
- User can view Service details.
- Appointment
- Guest user can book an appointment.
- Employee list is populated based on the service selected by the user.
- Appointment end time is calculated based on the duration saved in the service.
- User can see up coming appointments on employee details page.
- The application is made responsive to suppport multiple screen sizes.
- Dynamic drop downs, populated through AJAX.
- Preview image before upload.
- Implement field validations where required.
- Include payment option before confirming appointment.
- Allow selection of multiple services.
- Show bio of selected employee while booking appointment.
- Hide admin only feature links from guest user.
Hosting Platform: Microsoft Azure
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