My Personalized 2D Game Engine/Library
After linking with KozaEngine.lib, all you have to do is:
#include <KozaEngine.h>
using namespace Koza_Core;
int main()
Application::Init("Name Here", screenWidth, screenHeight);
while (Application::GetAppShouldRun())
And that's all. All components/objects created by the user are loaded into memory dynamically. Though you have to declare class instances before the app initialization for now. I will be replacing this behavior with better solutions in the future.
Creating A Player Object With Basic Movement:
#include <KozaEngine.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace glm;
using namespace Koza_Core;
class Player : Game
unique_ptr<Gameobject> go;
void Start() override
go = make_unique<Gameobject>(make_unique<Sprite>("res/character.jpg"),
make_unique<Shader>("res/Shaders/myVertex.shader", "res/Shaders/myFragment.shader"));
go->transform.Translate(-4.0f, 1.3f);
void Update() override
if (glfwGetKey(Application::GetMainWindow(), GLFW_KEY_W))
go->transform.Translate(0.f, 5.f * Time::DT);
if (glfwGetKey(Application::GetMainWindow(), GLFW_KEY_S))
go->transform.Translate(0.f, -5.f * Time::DT);
if (glfwGetKey(Application::GetMainWindow(), GLFW_KEY_A))
go->transform.Translate(-5.f * Time::DT, 0.f);
if (glfwGetKey(Application::GetMainWindow(), GLFW_KEY_D))
go->transform.Translate(5.f * Time::DT, 0.f);