A collection of javascript functions to facilitate client-side integration with Haventec Authenticate.
npm install @haventec/authenticate-web-sdk
The authenticate-web-sdk is not exported as a default export and an instance of it should be created for each user.
import { HaventecAuthenticate } from '@haventec/authenticate-web-sdk'
let haventecAuthenticate = new HaventecAuthenticate();
The implementation requires the window object (browser) and will not function in a node.js environment.
export function HaventecAuthenticateFactory() {
return new HaventecAuthenticate();
export let HaventecAuthenticateProvider = { provide: HaventecAuthenticate,
useFactory: HaventecAuthenticateFactory,
deps: []
Then you can add HaventecAuthenticateProvider to the providers array of the @NgModule, and inject HaventecAuthenticate into the constructors of @Components as is standard.
initialiseStorage: It sets the current user, with data, initialising the salt if not already set. Any existing data is not overridden, so effectively enables use switching. Optionally can regenerate the salt.
updateStorage: It updates the storage with the object passed as parameter.
getDeviceName: It returns device-name set by default.
clearAccessToken: It clears the access-token for the active user.
getAccessToken: It returns the access-token of the user.
getUsername: It returns username of the current user.
getActiveUsernames: It returns the usernames of all activated users.
getDeviceUuid: It returns the uuid of the device generated through authenticate.
getUserUuid: It returns the uuid of the current user.
getWebAuthnDeviceUuid: It returns the uuid of the authenticator for the validated webAuthn credential of the current user.
getAuthKey: It returns the current authKey of the current user from Storage.
getSalt: It returns the generated salt value for the current user from Storage.
setSalt: It sets the salt value for the current user to Storage.
regenerateSalt: It regenerates the salt value for the current user to Storage.
clearUserStorage: It clears the entire local and session storage used by the user.
hashPin: It returns a SHA-512 Hashing of the PIN passed as argument.
getDeviceInfo: It returns the information about device including the fingerprint.
getWebAuthnSupported: It returns the webAuthnSupported status of the user from Storage.
To build and publish locally, clone the project and run the following:
npm install
npm pack / npm publish
This code is available under the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with the distribution.