Members :
- Harshrajsinh Rathod
- Murtaza Manaswala
- Abhin Sharma
- Vishwajeet Kharote
- Jaykumar Patel
- Github Repo:
- Github Journal Repo:
- Github Project Taskboard:
- TaskSheet Link:
- Game Video:
- Added setPaint method to make sure the layer of the game when the actor dieas after doing specific action which leads to game over.
- Implement the state pattern to toggle between levels to choose the difficulty of the game.
- Responsible for the Use case diagram for the project.
- Ensured that the XP core values of simplicity and respect is undertaken by all team members.
- Helped in code sanitization to ensure all the scope is completed and unwanted functionality is removed.
- Designed the basic game
- Implemented the strategy design pattern for changing the difficulty of the game.
- Took the responsibilty for the UML sequence diagram.
- Ensured that the XP core value of Courage and Build Integrity In Team is undertaken.
- Removed errors after integrating of code.
- Designed the working game and put forth the idea to use Greenfoot.
- Implemented the template pattern to increment the score of collecting the bonus objects.
- Responsible for the class diagrams and Use Case specification.
- Ensured that the XP core value of Respect and Feedback so that the team members understand each others work and respect the view of other team members.
- Created the Actors, Obstacles, Background images for the game.
- Implemented the command design pattern to choose between play game and select the difficulty of game.
- Responsible for the Activity Diagram for the game.
- Done the code integration to integrate all the patterns to make sure the entire game works.
- Ensured that the XP core value of Simplicity and Communication so that eveyone can express their view and do what is required.
- Removed all the irrelevant code and unwanted functionality.
- Implemented the navigation logic for the movement of bird and made sure that the score is incremented properly. Also implemented the game over logic.
- Implemented the observer pattern to increase the speed of various obstacles when the score reaches treshold value.
- Made the UI Wireframes for the game screens.
- Ensured that the XP core value of feedback and communication are followed during the lifespan of the project.