A multipurpose Discord bot made with pycord for a famous Data Science Youtuber's Productivity Community server hosted on Google Cloud (GCP). Check out Tina Huang's channel here
Use the package manager pip to install pycord and other necessary libraries.
pip install discord
pip install py-cord
pip install dotenv
pip install platform
pip install os
from platform import platform
import discord
import os
import dotenv
import random
Focus mode is applied to the person who joins the voice channel and is removed when the person leaves the voice channel.
The virtual environment should have the libraries mentioned at the start installed.
source venv/bin/activate
nohup python3 -u [ProfessorSeal.py](http://professorseal.py/) &>> activity.log &
To kill the process you need to use htop to get the PID of he ProfessorSealBot process and then kill it with the kill -9 PID
kill -9 PID
- Moderation and Moderation logs
- Huggingface API integration for NLP related tasks and moderations
- Engagement statistics
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.