def kruskal(n, m, E):
i = 0
j = 0
p = 0
q = 0
flag_start = True
flag_stop = False
e = (0,0)
# Sort the me edges in E by weight in nondecreasing order;
F_list = []
F_mat = []
row = []
start_index_list = []
stop_index_list = []
vert_set = set([])
vert_set_list = []
candidate = set([])
# sort E
E.sort(key=lambda tup: int(tup[2]))
k = 0
while ( len(F_list) < (n-1)):
candidate = set( [ E[k][0], E[k][1] ] )
index_of_set = findLocationOfSet(vert_set_list, candidate)
if index_of_set != -1:
num_of_same_verts = len(vert_set_list[index_of_set] & candidate)
num_of_same_verts = 0
# 2-peices of graphs
if num_of_same_verts == 0:
# fuse the set
# append that edge
# pre-exist graph plus a new vert
elif num_of_same_verts == 1:
vert_set_list[index_of_set] = vert_set_list[index_of_set].union(candidate)
k = k + 1
# return the edge list and matrix
return F_list