TODO: move to other more specific detailed pages
- Bamboo
- Chaos Monkey
- CloudTest
- LoadStorm
- KeyNote
- JFrog Artifactory - repository mirror - Maven, PyPI, NPM, Docker etc...
- Rundeck - open core scheduler
There is almost an inhuman amount of tools and knowledge required.
It requires extensive experience in the following areas:
- Systems Engineering
- Debugging a vast array of technologies
- Linux
- Windows
- Storage
- Process Management
- Networking, TCP/IP in depth, Routing, IP address calculations, Common Ports etc.
- Firewalls
- Web technologies
- Load Balancing
- Security
- Programming - usually at least 1-2 languages just to start, you'll probably know 6-10 languages if you're any good
- Shell Scripting
- Cloud - at least one cloud platform 6-12 technologies each, probably 2-3 such platforms
- CI/CD - at least 1-2 technologies
- Databases, DBA administration & SQL - usually at least 2-3 different databases, probably more
- NoSQL - at least 1-2 technologies
- Caching
- Terraform, Terragrunt
and a tonne of other areas I've probably forgotten to mention.
It is probably one of the hardest fields of IT due to the fact you can be asked anything from a large array of decades of technologies on any given day.
This is why you will see most of the best DevOps guys have 15-20 years of experience at this point.
Unless you a top 1% IQ talent, do not expect to be that good after a mere 5 years.
Ported from private Knowledge Base pages 2015+