TODO: move to other more specific detailed pages
- Heroku
- free tier - 512MB 1 web / 1 worker
- sleeps after 30 mins
- SMTP4Dev - Windows app, runs dummy SMTP server, does not delivery but shows emails in the system tray
See Atlassian page. - auto-builds rpm / deb packages for Ruby, NodeJS, Golang
- supports: Java, Ruby, Python, Node.JS, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, Objective-C, R, Clojure
- coming: .NET, Perl
- Maven, SBT, Gradle plugins
- checks license violations, permissive vs copyleft for closed source software
- checks security databases for Java, Python, PHP, Node.JS and Ruby
- cannot yet handle moved packages eg. pdfbox:pdfbox:0.7.3 moved to org.apache.pdfbox:pdfbox:1.8.9
- Enterprise
- on-prem version
- crawls internal repos eg. Nexus Pro (Java), Artifactory Enterprise (Java), CocoaPods (Objective-C), Satis (PHP)
- - Python only
- - charges $2 to choose repos, $2 for weekly digest etc :-/
- - new, no account settings, didn't catch Cassandra 3.5.0 vs Cassandra 3.6.0 like Gemnasium did
- acquired by GitLab and shut down :-(
- parses Gemfile (Bundler) / gemspec, requirements.txt (pip), package.json (npm), composer.json and bower.json
- GitHub / BitBucket webhooks trigger re-evaluation on push
- no support for Perl or JVM languages
- green (ok), yellow (behind latest stable), red (behind on security fixes)
- CLI -
- Enterprise on-prem version
Ported from private Knowledge Base page 2016+