I am currently working on the free and open-source VTuber software Brioche Puppet.
As a rendering engineer, the rendering is implemented by myself. But the third-party libraries JoltPhysics and MeidaPipe are used for ragdoll physics and motion capture.
1-2-1. Albedo Image
1-2-2. Illuminant Image
- Motion Capture
- Video Capture
- Motion Detector
- Animation
- IK (Inverse Kinematics)
- Reaching IK (Target Position)
- Two Joints IK
- Three Joints IK
- CCD (Cyclic Coordinate Descent) IK
FABRIK (Forward And Backward Reaching Inverse Kinematics) - Biped Foot IK
- Quadruped Foot IK
- Aim IK (Target Direction)
- Look At IK
- Reaching IK (Target Position)
- Skeleton Mapper
- Ragdoll Mapping
Animation Retargeting Mapping
- Ragdoll
- Ragdoll Kinematics Controller
- Ragdoll Motors Controller
- IK (Inverse Kinematics)
- PBR (Microfacet Model: Trowbridge Reitz)
Toon Shading -
SSS (Skin: Subsurface Scattering) -
LTC (Area Lighting: Linearly Transformed Cosine) - IBL (Environment Lighting: Spherical Harmonics + Split Sum Approximation)
VXGI (Global Illumination: Clipmap Cone Tracing)