- Forked from joshuaferrara/go-satellite
- 原仓库协议:BSD 2-Clause License
- 原 repo 的浮点数计算可能存在精度问题,所以新建一个用新的方式计算部分浮点数
- 在原有基础上 可能做出部分修改,HamZone.cn 相关 TLE 计算会使用此仓库,方便自主调整
- 仓库内容中文本土化
import "github.com/HamZone/TLESatellite"`
项目使用 SGP4 模型进行预测
func ECIToLLA(eciCoords Vector3, gmst float64) (altitude, velocity float64, ret LatLong)
Convert Earth Centered Inertial coordinated into equivalent latitude, longitude, altitude and velocity. Reference: http://celestrak.com/columns/v02n03/
func GSTimeFromDate(year, mon, day, hr, min, sec int) float64
Calc GST given year, month, day, hour, minute and second
func JDay(year, mon, day, hr, min, sec int) float64
Calc julian date given year, month, day, hour, minute and second the julian date is defined by each elapsed day since noon, jan 1, 4713 bc.
func Propagate(sat Satellite, year int, month int, day, hours, minutes, seconds int) (position, velocity Vector3)
Calculates position and velocity vectors for given time
func ThetaG_JD(jday float64) (ret float64)
Calculate GMST from Julian date. Reference: The 1992 Astronomical Almanac, page B6.
type LatLong struct {
Latitude, Longitude float64
Holds latitude and Longitude in either degrees or radians
func LatLongDeg(rad LatLong) (deg LatLong)
Convert LatLong in radians to LatLong in degrees
type LookAngles struct {
Az, El, Rg float64
Holds an azimuth, elevation and range
func ECIToLookAngles(eciSat Vector3, obsCoords LatLong, obsAlt, jday float64) (lookAngles LookAngles)
Calculate look angles for given satellite position and observer position obsAlt in km Reference: http://celestrak.com/columns/v02n02/
type Satellite struct {
Line1 string
Line2 string
Struct for holding satellite information during and before propagation
func ParseTLE(line1, line2, gravconst string) (sat Satellite)
Parses a two line element dataset into a Satellite struct
func TLEToSat(line1, line2 string, gravconst string) Satellite
Converts a two line element data set into a Satellite struct and runs sgp4init
type Vector3 struct {
X, Y, Z float64
Holds X, Y, Z position
func ECIToECEF(eciCoords Vector3, gmst float64) (ecfCoords Vector3)
Convert Earth Centered Intertial coordinates into Earth Cenetered Earth Final coordinates Reference: http://ccar.colorado.edu/ASEN5070/handouts/coordsys.doc
func LLAToECI(obsCoords LatLong, alt, jday float64) (eciObs Vector3)
Convert latitude, longitude and altitude into equivalent Earth Centered Intertial coordinates Reference: The 1992 Astronomical Almanac, page K11.