This component is only for Blazor Web Assembly.
- Server Side/Client Side Pagination
- Server Side/Client Side Sorting
- Server Side/Client Side Filtering
- Support custom column theming
- Support for .NET 6 / .NET 5
Install from nuget
In desired Page/Component
<HalfbitGrid Items="auditList" PageSize="pageSize" PagesTotalCount="numberOfPages" DisplayFilters="true"
OnPageChanged="OnPageChanged" OnSort="OnGridSort"
OnFilter="OnGridFilter" CurrentPage="@currPage">
<GridColumn GridItem="Audit" Title="ID"> //GridItem- Object type
<GridColumnText GridItem="Audit" Title="Nazwa firmy" Field="companyName"> //GridColumnText- allow filtering
<GridColumnComboBox GridItem="Audit" Title="URL LP" Field="lpId" Value="lpDictionary"> /* GridColumnText- allow,
Value= Ienumerable of string to comboBox
filtering via combo box */
<PaginationControl CurrentPage="@(auditList.Page + 1)" PagesCount="@numberOfPages"
In page code behind implement:
int pageSize = 10;
int currPage = 0;
int numberOfPages = 0;
Dictionary<string, string> gridFilters = new Dictionary<string, string>();
List<Audit> auditList;
private async Task OnGridFilter(GridFilterEventArgs args)
// own logic
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
//load from API auditList
private async Task OnPageChanged(PageChangedEventArgs eventArgs)
this.currPage = eventArgs.PageNumber;
private async Task OnGridSort(SortEventArgs eventArgs)
//own logic
If you need commercial support please contact us.
- Halfbit Studio Team