CMake 3.8+ installed
Qt 5.x downloaded. The Qt directory will be refered to as <QT-DIR>
C++ compiler installed (like GCC or VS 2019). The compiler name will be refered to as <COMPILER>
sudo apt-get install -y libflann-dev libglut3-dev
sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev mesa-common-dev
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
a. Download VTK source code
Download the source code from http://VTK.org/download/ and unpack it to a directory. This directory will be refered to as <VTK-SOURCE-DIR>
b. Start CMake
Start the CMake GUI application
c. Specify source and build directory
Source directory = <VTK-SOURCE-DIR>
Build directory = <VTK-SOURCE-DIR>/Build (For example)
d. Start project configuration
Specify a generator like 'Unix makefiles' on linux or 'MS Visual Studio 16 2019' on Windows.
e. Specify entries and re-configure untill no more changes occur
Set the following values when asked for:
Name | Value |
Qt5_DIR | <QT-DIR>/5.15.1/<COMPILER>/lib/cmake/Qt5 |
VTK_Group_Qt | YES |
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE (Linux only, Makefiles) | Release |
CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES (Windows only, MSVC) | Release |
Enable 'advanced' to see all entries and specify other Qt entries if they are not found automatically.
f. Generate project
Click on 'generate'. A buildable project will be created based on the chosen generator.
g. Build project
Build generated project using make (on Linux) or Visual Studio (on Windows)
a. Download PCL 1.12 source code tar.gz from https://github.com/PointCloudLibrary/pcl/releases.
b. Create PCL_ROOT folder, extract the tar.gz file inside it.
c. In PCL_ROOT folder open terminal and provide following commands:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j<Number of processors>
sudo make install
VTK and Qt dependencies are automatically detected by CMake for building but sometimes there is error thrown when they are not detected automatically. In that case follow below steps.
a. Create environment variable from Qt installation folder(location of folder 5.15.2):export Qt5_PATH="<Qt installation folder>"
b. Find the location of VTKConfig.cmake which was installed with VTK (eg, /usr/local/lib/cmake/vtk-9.2
export VTK_PATH="<Location of VTKConfig.cmake>"
c. Run following commands:
cmake ../pcl-pcl-1.12.0/ -DQt5_DIR:PATH="${Qt5_PATH}/5.15.2/gcc_64/lib/cmake/Qt5" -DVTK_DIR:PATH=${VTK_PATH}
make -j<Number of processors>
sudo make install
a. After the VTK is built, inside /VTK-9.2.0/build/lib folder libQVTKWidgetPlugin.so file is generated. Go to the file location and open terminal.
b. Copy libQVTKWidgetPlugin.so to <Qt_Installation_Path>/Tools/QtCreator/lib/Qt/plugins/designer
folder using following commands in terminal:
export Qt5_PATH="<Qt installation folder>"
cp libQVTKWidgetPlugin.so $Qt5_PATH/Tools/QtCreator/lib/Qt/plugins/designer/