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Updated the guide to work with the new publisher template
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brianreinhold committed Dec 2, 2020
1 parent cca0be7 commit 5ca4851
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Showing 224 changed files with 149,231 additions and 18,392 deletions.
186 changes: 16 additions & 170 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,176 +1,22 @@
# Temporary folders #

### Windows template
# Windows thumbnail cache files
# Don't commit this because it's so large #
# Windows generated files #

# Dump file

# Folder config file

# Recycle Bin used on file shares

# Windows Installer files

# Windows shortcuts
### JetBrains template
# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio and WebStorm
# Reference:

# User-specific stuff

# Sensitive or high-churn files

# Gradle

# Gradle and Maven with auto-import
# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files,
# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using
# auto-import.
# .idea/modules.xml
# .idea/*.iml
# .idea/modules

# CMake

# Mongo Explorer plugin

# File-based project format

# IntelliJ

# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin

# JIRA plugin

# Cursive Clojure plugin

# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ)

# Editor-based Rest Client
### macOS template
# General

# Icon must end with two \r

# Thumbnails

# Files that might appear in the root of a volume

# Directories potentially created on remote AFP share
Network Trash Folder
Temporary Items
### Eclipse template
# OS generated files #

# backup files #

# External tool builders

# Locally stored "Eclipse launch configurations"

# PyDev specific (Python IDE for Eclipse)

# CDT-specific (C/C++ Development Tooling)

# CDT- autotools

# Java annotation processor (APT)

# PDT-specific (PHP Development Tools)

# sbteclipse plugin

# Tern plugin

# TeXlipse plugin

# STS (Spring Tool Suite)

# Code Recommenders

# Annotation Processing

# Scala IDE specific (Scala & Java development for Eclipse)
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions .project
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
117 changes: 117 additions & 0 deletions FHIR-phd.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<specification xmlns:xsi="" ballotUrl="" ciUrl="" defaultVersion="1.0.0" defaultWorkgroup="dev" gitUrl="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../schemas/specification.xsd" url=""><version code="current" url=""/>
<version code="1.0.0" url=""/>
<version code="0.3.0" url=""/>
<version code="0.2.0" deprecated="true" url=""/>
<version code="0.1.0" deprecated="true" url=""/>
<version code="0.1" deprecated="true"/>
<artifactPageExtension value="-definitions"/>
<artifactPageExtension value="-examples"/>
<artifactPageExtension value="-mappings"/>
<artifact id="CodeSystem/ASN1ToHL7" key="CodeSystem-ASN1ToHL7" name="ASN1ToHL7"/>
<artifact id="ValueSet/ASN1attribute" key="ValueSet-ASN1attribute" name="ASN1attribute"/>
<artifact id="ValueSet/ASN1measurement" key="ValueSet-ASN1measurement" name="ASN1measurement"/>
<artifact id="ValueSet/CodeableConcept11073MDC" key="ValueSet-CodeableConcept11073MDC" name="CodeableConcept11073MDC"/>
<artifact id="CodeSystem/ContinuaDeviceIdentifiers" key="CodeSystem-ContinuaDeviceIdentifiers" name="ContinuaDeviceIdentifiers"/>
<artifact id="CodeSystem/ContinuaHFS" key="CodeSystem-ContinuaHFS" name="ContinuaHFS"/>
<artifact id="CodeSystem/ContinuaPHD" key="CodeSystem-ContinuaPHD" name="ContinuaPHD"/>
<artifact deprecated="true" key="Device" name="Device"/>
<artifact id="Bundle/bundle-continuousnonin" key="Bundle-bundle-continuousnonin" name="Example Bundled upload"/>
<artifact id="Observation/bloodPress-1.0.1" key="Observation-bloodPress-1.0.1" name="Example of Compound measurement"/>
<artifact id="Device/phd-74E8FFFEFF051C00.001C05FFE874" key="Device-phd-74E8FFFEFF051C00.001C05FFE874" name="Example of PHD Device"/>
<artifact id="Observation/stringenum-1234" key="Observation-stringenum-1234" name="Example of String measurement"/>
<artifact id="Observation/bits-" key="Observation-bits-" name="Example of a ASN1 BITs measurement"/>
<artifact id="Device/phd-711000FEFF5F49B0.B0495F001071" key="Device-phd-711000FEFF5F49B0.B0495F001071" name="Example of a Blood Pressure PHD"/>
<artifact id="Observation/coin-20181119202022" key="Observation-coin-20181119202022" name="Example of a Coincident Time Stamp"/>
<artifact id="Observation/coin-20181119174911" key="Observation-coin-20181119174911" name="Example of a Coincident Time Stamp"/>
<artifact id="Observation/coin-1234" key="Observation-coin-1234" name="Example of a Coincident Time Stamp referenced by the Glucose Meal Context Observation"/>
<artifact id="Observation/coin-fault20" key="Observation-coin-fault20" name="Example of a Coincident Time Stamp with a Time Fault"/>
<artifact id="Device/phg-ecde3d4e58532d31.000000000000" key="Device-phg-ecde3d4e58532d31.000000000000" name="Example of a Gateway"/>
<artifact id="Device/phd-00601900010E9234.F45EABA80832" key="Device-phd-00601900010E9234.F45EABA80832" name="Example of a Glucose Monitor PHD"/>
<artifact id="Observation/nan-" key="Observation-nan-" name="Example of a NaN case"/>
<artifact id="Patient/sisansarahId." key="Patient-sisansarahId." name="Example of a Patient"/>
<artifact id="Bundle/nonin-hdp-1542718631721" key="Bundle-nonin-hdp-1542718631721" name="Example of a first time Bundle upload"/>
<artifact id="Observation/spotnumeric-" key="Observation-spotnumeric-" name="Example of a numeric."/>
<artifact id="Observation/rtsa-1234" key="Observation-rtsa-1234" name="Example of an Rtsa."/>
<artifact id="Observation/glucose-" key="Observation-glucose-" name="Example of coded enumeration"/>
<artifact id="ValueSet/MDCnotObject" key="ValueSet-MDCnotObject" name="MDCnotObject"/>
<artifact deprecated="true" key="Observation" name="Observation"/>
<artifact id="StructureDefinition/PhdBaseObservation" key="StructureDefinition-PhdBaseObservation" name="PhdBaseObservation"/>
<artifact id="StructureDefinition/PhdBitsEnumerationObservation" key="StructureDefinition-PhdBitsEnumerationObservation" name="PhdBitsEnumerationObservation"/>
<artifact id="StructureDefinition/PhdCodedEnumerationObservation" key="StructureDefinition-PhdCodedEnumerationObservation" name="PhdCodedEnumerationObservation"/>
<artifact id="StructureDefinition/PhdCoincidentTimeStampObservation" key="StructureDefinition-PhdCoincidentTimeStampObservation" name="PhdCoincidentTimeStampObservation"/>
<artifact id="StructureDefinition/PhdCompoundNumericObservation" key="StructureDefinition-PhdCompoundNumericObservation" name="PhdCompoundNumericObservation"/>
<artifact id="StructureDefinition/PhdDevice" key="StructureDefinition-PhdDevice" name="PhdDevice"/>
<artifact id="StructureDefinition/PhdNumericObservation" key="StructureDefinition-PhdNumericObservation" name="PhdNumericObservation"/>
<artifact id="StructureDefinition/PhdPatient" key="StructureDefinition-PhdPatient" name="PhdPatient"/>
<artifact id="StructureDefinition/PhdRtsaObservation" key="StructureDefinition-PhdRtsaObservation" name="PhdRtsaObservation"/>
<artifact id="CapabilityStatement/PhdServerCapabilityStatement" key="CapabilityStatement-PhdServerCapabilityStatement" name="PhdServerCapabilityStatement"/>
<artifact id="StructureDefinition/PhdStringEnumerationObservation" key="StructureDefinition-PhdStringEnumerationObservation" name="PhdStringEnumerationObservation"/>
<artifact id="StructureDefinition/PhgDevice" key="StructureDefinition-PhgDevice" name="PhgDevice"/>
<artifact id="ValueSet/Quantity11073MDC" key="ValueSet-Quantity11073MDC" name="Quantity11073MDC"/>
<artifact id="ValueSet/Range11073MDC" key="ValueSet-Range11073MDC" name="Range11073MDC"/>
<artifact id="ValueSet/String11073MDC" key="ValueSet-String11073MDC" name="String11073MDC"/>
<artifact deprecated="true" key="StructureDefinition" name="StructureDefinition"/>
<page key="NA" name="(NA)"/>
<page key="many" name="(many)"/>
<page key="EnumString" name="A measurement that is a human readable string (Enumeration String)"/>
<page key="ASN1BITsCodeSystem" name="ASN1 BITs Code System"/>
<page key="ASN1ToHL7Codes" name="ASN1 BITs Codes"/>
<page key="phgExample" name="Android Gateway example"/>
<page key="artifacts" name="Artifact List"/>
<page key="Audience" name="Audience"/>
<page key="BITsDevSensor" name="BITs measurement; Device-Sensor status"/>
<page key="BaseObservationProfile" name="Base Observation Profile"/>
<page key="bundleExample" name="Bundled upload of Patient, Device, and Observation resources"/>
<page key="CodeableConcepts" name="Codeable Concepts"/>
<page key="glucoseEnum" name="Coded Enumeration"/>
<page key="CoincidentTimeStamp" name="Coincident Time Stamp"/>
<page key="coinFault" name="Coincident Time Stamp with a time fault"/>
<page key="coincidentTime" name="Coincident Time Stamp: PHG best synchronized"/>
<page key="bloodPress" name="Compound Measurement"/>
<page key="ProfileConsumers" name="Consuming the PHD Profile FHIR Resources"/>
<page key="DIMtoFHIRMapping" name="DIM to FHIR Mapping: Basics"/>
<page key="DIMtoFHIRMappingDetails" name="DIM to FHIR Mapping: Details"/>
<page key="DefinitionMetricMsmt" name="Definition of a Metric Measurement"/>
<page key="DeviceIdentifierCodes" name="Device Identifier codes"/>
<page key="phdExample" name="Device example from a Blood Pressure PHD"/>
<page key="downloads" name="Downloads"/>
<page key="GeneralNotestoConsumers" name="General Notes to Consumers of FHIR Data"/>
<page key="GeneratingtheReportedTimeStampIdentifier" name="Generating the PHD Reported Time Stamp Identifier"/>
<page key="ContinuaPersonalAreaNetworkCodes" name="Generating the PHD codes"/>
<page key="GenericModel" name="Generic and Extensible Model"/>
<page key="MderFLOATsandSFLOATs" name="Mder FLOATs and SFLOATs"/>
<page key="MetricAttributesofNoInterest" name="Metric Protocol-Only Attributes"/>
<page key="NumericNaN" name="NaN Example"/>
<page key="Nomenclaturecodes" name="Nomenclature codes"/>
<page key="Non1107320601Devices" name="Non 11073 20601 Devices"/>
<page key="ObtainObservationCode" name="Obtaining the Observation Code"/>
<page key="ObtainUnitCode" name="Obtaining the Unit Code"/>
<page key="Organization" name="Organization"/>
<page key="overview" name="Overview"/>
<page key="BITsEnumerationObservationProfile" name="PHD BITs Coded Enumeration Observation Profile"/>
<page key="CodedEnumerationObservationProfile" name="PHD Coded Enumeration Observation Profile"/>
<page key="CoincidentTimeStampObservationProfile" name="PHD Coincident Time Stamp Observation Profile"/>
<page key="CompoundNumericObservationProfile" name="PHD Compound Numeric Observation Profile"/>
<page key="PhdDeviceProfile" name="PHD Device Profile"/>
<page key="NumericObservationProfile" name="PHD Numeric Observation Profile"/>
<page key="PhdPatientProfile" name="PHD Patient Profile"/>
<page key="RtsaObservationProfile" name="PHD Real Time Sample Array Observation Profile"/>
<page key="StringEnumerationObservationProfile" name="PHD String Enumeration Observation Profile"/>
<page key="PhgDeviceProfile" name="PHG (Personal Health Gateway) Device Profile"/>
<page key="TechnicalImplementationGuidance" name="PHG Implementation Guidance"/>
<page key="patientExample" name="Patient example containing optional patient name"/>
<page key="index" name="Personal Health Device Implementation Guide Home Page"/>
<page key="profiles" name="Profiles"/>
<page key="ProfilesOverview" name="Profiles Overview"/>
<page key="Purpose" name="Purpose"/>
<page key="Rtsa" name="Real Time Sample Array; Pleth wave"/>
<page key="RemotePatientMonitoringConsiderations" name="Remote Patient Monitoring Considerations"/>
<page key="Scope" name="Scope"/>
<page key="spotNumeric" name="Simple numeric with supplemental types"/>
<page key="toc" name="Table of Contents"/>
<page key="terminology" name="Terminology"/>
<page key="ObservationIdentifier" name="The Observation Identifier"/>
<page key="UseCases" name="Use Cases"/>
<page deprecated="true" key="languages" name="languages" url="languages"/>
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions _clean.bat

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions _gencontinuous.bat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
CALL ./_genonce.bat -watch
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
./ -watch
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions _genonce.bat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
SET publisher_jar=publisher.jar
SET input_cache_path=%CD%\input-cache

ECHO Checking internet connection...
PING -4 -n 1 -w 1000 | FINDSTR TTL && GOTO isonline
ECHO We're offline...
SET txoption=-tx n/a
GOTO igpublish

ECHO We're online
SET txoption=



IF EXIST "%input_cache_path%\%publisher_jar%" (
JAVA -jar "%input_cache_path%\%publisher_jar%" -ig . %txoption% %*
) ELSE If exist "..\%publisher_jar%" (
JAVA -jar "..\%publisher_jar%" -ig . %txoption% %*
) ELSE (
ECHO IG Publisher NOT FOUND in input-cache or parent folder. Please run _updatePublisher. Aborting...

28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
echo Checking internet connection...
curl -sSf > /dev/null

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Online"
echo "Offline"
txoption="-tx n/a"

echo "$txoption"

if test -f "$publisher"; then
java -jar $publisher -ig . $txoption $*

if test -f "$publisher"; then
java -jar $publisher -ig . $txoption $*
echo IG Publisher NOT FOUND in input-cache or parent folder. Please run _updatePublisher. Aborting...
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions _phdUpdatePublisher.bat

This file was deleted.


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