For issues:
curl -X POST "" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
--data '{"ref": "refs/heads/master", "repository": {"full_name": "mvdzel/ehrsfm-fhir-r5"}}'
Convert current computable version of the FM (MAX file) to FHIR IG artifacts.
> docker run --name=ehrsfm-fhir-r5 -it -v "$(pwd)":/app node:lts-buster /bin/bash
@> cd script
@> (once) dpkg -i jdk-21_linux-x64_bin.deb
@> (once) apt update; apt install graphviz jekyll
@> (once) npm instal
@> node max2fhir.js
@> node max2plantuml.js > ../input/images-source/relationships.plantuml
Copy grouping & resource json from output.txt into ehrs-ig.json
(optional) @> curl -L -o input-cache/validator_cli.jar
@> java -jar validator_cli.jar -version current input/resources -ig input/resources
(optional) @> curl -L -o input-cache/publisher.jar
@> java -jar publisher.jar -ig ig.ini
<!-- XXX --> <xsl:message><xsl:copy-of select="."/></xsl:message>
No narrative removes rendering of Requirement.statements. So don't use this.
"code" : {
"system": "",
"code" : "no-narrative"
"value": "Requirements/*"
> sftp user@sftp
@> cd WWW/ehrsfm-fhir-r5
@> put -r *
The HL7 repo is now setup to being a mirror of the work repo (@mvdzel). Use these commands to update the HL7 mirror.
@> git clone --mirror
@> cd ehrsfm-fhir-r5.git
@> git fetch
@> git push --mirror
- How to create links [[TI.1.5]] from criteria to Functions? -> done in ig-template _append.fragment-footer.html javascript include
- How to create links from criterie to satisfiedby -> done in ig-template Requirements.liquid
- Example: CP.1.4 add as last in first requirement "satisfiedBy": [ "" ]
We need these steps to keep formatting in table.
- paste table in Google Sheet
- select all & CTRL-\
- paste in Libreoffice
- select all & CTRL-M (remove formatting)
- export to HTML
- put ''< table >'' in MD
- CTRL-H: ' height="\d+"'
> docker run --rm --volume "`pwd`:/data" --user `id -u`:`id -g` pandoc/core Glossary.docx -o