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93 lines (73 loc) · 4.16 KB

Data Preparation

1. SSOD: Semi-Supervised Object Detection

We support 5 popular settings in SSOD research as listed below:

Labeled Data Unlabeled Data Test Data
COCO2017-train-1% COCO2017-train-99% COCO2017-test
COCO2017-train-5% COCO2017-train-95% COCO2017-test
COCO2017-train-10% COCO2017-train-90% COCO2017-test
COCO2017-train COCO2017-unlabeled COCO2017-test
VOC07-trainval VOC12-trainval VOC07-test
  1. Download VOC and COCO from the website and organize them as follows:

    # ====coco====                      |          # ====voc====
    /data/coco/                         |          /data/voc/
      - images                          |            - 12
        - train2017                     |     		    - VOCdevkit
        - unlabeled2017                 |                - VOC2012
    	- ...                           |                  - ...      
      - annotations                     |            - 07
    	- instances_train2017.json      |              - VOCdevkit
    	- image_info_unlabeled2017.json |                - VOC2007
    	- ...						    |                  - ...						
  2. Run scripts to create the soft symlink:

    # * please change the "prefix_coco", "prefix_coco_ul", "prefix_voc" in the scripts to fit your environment.
    # * you can also create symlink by yourself.
    cd tools/datasets
  3. Create coco-standard, coco-additional, voc (it will cost several minutes):

    cd tools/datasets

2. DAOD: Domain Adaptive Object Detection

We support 4 popular settings in DAOD research as listed below:

Labeled Data Unlabeled Data Test Data
normal$\to$foggy (C2F) cityscapes (train) cityscapes-foggy (train) cityscapes-foggy (val)
small$\to$large (C2B) cityscapes (train) BDD100K (train) BDD100K (val)
across cameras (K2C) KITTI (train) cityscapes (train) cityscapes (val)
synthetic$\to$real (S2C) Sim10K cityscapes (train) cityscapes (val)
  1. Download cityscapes, cityscapes-foggy, KITTI, Sim10K and BDD100K from the website and organize them as follows:

    # cityscapes          |    # cityscapes-foggy      |   # BDD
    /data/city            |    /data/foggycity         |   /data/BDD
      - VOC2007_citytrain |      - VOC2007_foggytrain  |     - VOC2007_bddtrain
        - ImageSets       |        - ImageSets         |       - ImageSets
        - JPEGImages      |        - JPEGImages        |       - JPEGImages
        - Annotations     |        - Annotations       |       - Annotations 
      - VOC2007_cityval   |      - VOC2007_foggyval    |     - VOC2007_bddval 
        - ImageSets       |        - ImageSets         |       - ImageSets
        - JPEGImages      |        - JPEGImages        |       - JPEGImages
        - Annotations     |        - Annotations       |       - Annotations 
    # =========================================================================
    # KITTI               |   # Sim10K
    /data/kitti           |   /data/sim
       - ImageSets        |     - ImageSets
       - JPEGImages       |     - JPEGImages
       - Annotations      |     - Annotations

    PS: please refer to ProbabilisticTeacher for the detailed dataset pre-processing.

  2. Run scripts to create the soft symlink:

    cd tools/datasets_uda
  3. Convert to coco format:

    cd tools/datasets_uda