GitKit is a Free Cultural Work. This document outlines the licenses that apply to all GitKit repositories and the agreement that governs contributions to any GitKit repository. Complete copies of these documents can be found in the licenses directory. All copies and forks of any GitKit repository must be maintained in compliance with those licenses.
All contributions to GitKit will, as a part of GitKit, be licensed under the applicable license agreements as described here. Before any contribution will be accepted the contributor must certify that they have the right to grant GitKit a license to use, modify and redistribute (with or without further modification) the contributed intellectual property under the applicable license agreement. This is done explicitly when a contributor submits a Pull Request. Every pull request automatically contains a "Licensing Certification" section stating that the contributor certifies that the contribution satisfies the terms of the Developer Certificate of Origin. When posting content to any public forums of the project (for example, but not limited to, issue trackers, message boards, or discussion areas), the act of posting is here in defined as an implicit certification by the contributor that their contribution satisfies the terms of the Developer Certificate of Origin.
As described, contributors license their intellectual property to GitKit. They do not assign their copyright to GitKit. Thus, contributors always keep the copyright to their intellectual property.
The code and documentation in GitKit are licensed by using the following license agreements.
All code in the GitKit project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 (GPL-3.0).
The pretext-codespace template repository used to begin this work is licenced under the MIT licence and that license is also included in the in the licenses directory.
All other content, including activities, documentation, commit messages, issue tickets, pull request text, and postings in discord, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC-BY-SA-4.0).
Attribution of contributions to GitKit are maintained in the logs of the git version control system.
Attribution of content in public forums is typically maintained by the appropriate forum (for example threads, usernames, cross linked issues). If not, the contributor must make proper attribution.