The HERMES project life cycle cost (LCC) for the design, development, mission operations, and data analysis and archiving are to be established at the SMD Key Decision Point (KDP)-C gate review. The following activities are including the Goddard-managed cost:
- Design, development, and flight operations of all instruments and interface hardware
- Instrument Team support for Level-1 Data at the SOC
The Goddard-managed LCC will not include Headquarters-held reserves (i.e., Unallocated Future Expenses or UFE) and Gateway program costs related to HERMES support, operation, launch vehicle and associated launch vehicle integration costs. The HERMES Management and Agency LCC estimates and phasing of those funds, as well as the launch readiness date will be baselined at KDP-C and documented in a decision memo.
HERMES project costs will be baselined at the Confirmation Review, KDP-C. The cost baselines encompass the project life cycle, from inception through Phase E operations, excluding launch and Phase-E scientific research. The SOC and the research effort will be covered via Headquarters funding. At KDP-C, the HERMES project will demonstrate at least 25% unlined cost reserve for Phase C/D, exclusive of the launch vehicle, and 15% on Phase E and Phase F.
Provided that Program Level Requirements are preserved, and that due consideration has been given to the use of budgeted contingency and planned schedule contingency, the HERMES Project shall pursue scope reduction and risk management as a means to control cost. The Project Plan shall include potential scope reductions and the time frame in which they could be implemented. If other methods of cost containment are not practical, the reductions identified in the Project Plan may be exercised; however, any reduction in scientific capability, including those reductions specifically identified in the Project Plan, shall be implemented only after consultation with and approval by the Program Scientist. Any potential scope reductions affecting these Program Requirements shall be agreed to by the signers of this document.