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This module will cover:


Module 4.1: Functions

You may think of Functions as a way to have a piece of code that can be used several times instead of having that code copied around your script. Usually functions have a very specific task and the conjugation of several function is what make them powerful.

Functions are created using the function() directive, and they are stored (as you may remember from the first module: “everything in R is an object”) as an Object of class “function”.


my_function <- function(first_argument, second_argument, ...) {

## do stuffs here


# call the function and stores the result in a variable
result <- my_function("argument", 2.0)

Here are some features a function has while being an object:

  • You can pass a function as a parameter to another function
  • You can create functions inside a function
  • Functions can create another function (return a new function as a result)
  • Functions can also re-write itself (advanced features, just for curiosity)

Basic concepts of a function

A function has some basic concepts you must know:

  • Name: this is just the name of the object where the function is stored. This means you can change its name. This is important because in some cases you may use the “string” name to call a function (advanced stuff).
  • Arguments: this is how you talk to the function. They are the input values you send to the function work with do what it is supposed to do.
  • Returning value: functions can return a value (more precisely an object), but they can also return nothing. In R the last evaluated expression is automatically returned, but you can also use the return() directive to be more explicit, or exit the function earlier.

More about arguments

A function may have named arguments with or without a default value:

# the argument `c` has a default value of `2`
my_function <- function(a, b, c = 2) {
  # do stuff

Arguments can be used in order, or explicitly using their names:

# argument `c` has a default value of `2`, so I can omit it
my_function(1, b = 10)
## 1

PS: it is not good practice to change the order of the arguments just because you can assign them by name.

Arguments can also be missing and (if there is no default value) any attempt to use that argument inside the function will return an error.

## Error in cat(a): argument "a" is missing, with no default

Finally, there is an special argument called ellipsis that is represented with ....

Let’s take a look:

my_special_function <- function(..., data = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {
  # special things happens

How to use ellipsis inside a function is an advanced topic. Now we will only learn how to use a function that as ellipsis as argument.

The function above tells us that you can add multiple arguments before data (that has a default value).

So we can call this function the following ways:

# this will pass all arguments to the function and leave `data` and
# `verbose` with their default values
my_special_function("text", 1, some_variable)

# this will pass two arguments to the function, and set `data` with a variable.
my_special_function("text", 1, data = my_data)

# this will pass no argument but set `data` with another value.
my_special_function(data = my_data)

IMPORTANT: the arguments after an ellipsis must be set using their names, otherwise the values will be passed through the ellipsis.

Module 4.2: Data Wrangling

Introduction to tidyverse

Tidyverse is a collection of packages designed for Data Science. All packages follow the same grammar and data structure, so you can use them in your workflow easily.

The main packages are (imho):

  • dplyr - data manipulation: filter, select, sort, summarize data.

  • tidyr - helps you create tidy data. Tidy data is data where:

    • Every column is variable.
    • Every row is an observation.
    • Every cell is a single value.
  • readr - easy way to import several data formats into data frames.

  • ggplot2 - a system for declaratively creating graphics, based on The Grammar of Graphics.

And the other principal packages are:

  • forcats - provides a suite of useful tools that solve common problems with factors.
  • stringr - provides a cohesive set of functions designed to make working with strings as easy as possible.
  • tibble - is a modern re-imagining of the data frame, keeping what time has proven to be effective, and throwing out what it has not.
  • purrr - enhances R’s functional programming (FP) toolkit by providing a complete and consistent set of tools for working with functions and vectors.

All the packages above are called the Core tidyverse. Other packages can be found here.

Furthermore, tidyverse packages has a nice handout for every package, called “cheatsheets”. You can find the last version easily on RStudio: Help ➝ Cheatsheets.

In the future we will also cover the tidymodels.

Starting with readr

Doesn’t R have a functions to import data yet? Sure it does, and these functions are inside the utils package that comes already with R. So why bother with another package? Consistency.

From the official website:

Compared to the corresponding base functions, readr functions:

  • Use a consistent naming scheme for the parameters (e.g. col_names and col_types not header and colClasses).
  • Are much faster (up to 10x).
  • Leave strings as is by default, and automatically parse common date/time formats.
  • Have a helpful progress bar if loading is going to take a while.
  • All functions work exactly the same way regardless of the current locale. To override the US-centric defaults, use locale().

Let’s start with examples:

# if you dont have it yet, install readr
# install.packages("readr")

sample_data <- read_csv("data/sample_data.csv")

# check this:
## # A tibble: 43 x 6
##    Region  Rep      Item   Units `Unit Cost` Total
##    <chr>   <chr>    <chr>  <dbl>       <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 East    Jones    Pencil    95        1.99 189. 
##  2 Central Kivell   Binder    50       20.0  999. 
##  3 Central Jardine  Pencil    36        4.99 180. 
##  4 Central Gill     Pen       27       20.0  540. 
##  5 West    Sorvino  Pencil    56        2.99 167. 
##  6 East    Jones    Binder    60        4.99 299. 
##  7 Central Andrews  Pencil    75        1.99 149. 
##  8 Central Jardine  Pencil    90        4.99 449. 
##  9 West    Thompson Pencil    32        1.99  63.7
## 10 East    Jones    Binder    60        8.99 539. 
## # ... with 33 more rows

Hey! Look again. What is that A tibble: 43 x 6 ? Is this not a data.frame? Yes, it is, but not only.

Above we’ve seen a package called tibble, what it does?

Again, from the source:

Tibbles are data.frames that are lazy and surly: they do less (i.e. they don’t change variable names or types, and don’t do partial matching) and complain more (e.g. when a variable does not exist). This forces you to confront problems earlier, typically leading to cleaner, more expressive code. Tibbles also have an enhanced print() method which makes them easier to use with large datasets containing complex objects.

That’s why when we wrote the variable number we didn’t get a huge table printed in our screen, because tibble prints only the necessary.

Just for sanity-check, lets see the class of this imported data:

## [1] "spec_tbl_df" "tbl_df"      "tbl"         "data.frame"

This is a nice opportunity to see what is called inheritance in another languages. This is indeed a data.frame, but is also a tbl, a tbl_df and finally spec_tbl_df that is first class to be used by further functions (although it was the last class to be added to this object).

Getting back to examples, we can import other formats besides .csv:

# if you dont have it yet, install readr
# install.packages("readr")

sample_data <- read_tsv("data/sample_data.tsv")

# if you dont have it yet, install readr
# install.packages("readxl")
sample_data <- read_excel("data/sample_data.xlsx")

Here we see another package, readxl that comes also from the Tidyverse ecosystem (more…)

This is the basic usage. But we can set several options to import the data correctly when there are formatting issues, or we use another symbol as NA or missing, for example.

To help us make this easy, RStudio has a nice interface for it, let’s try:

  1. Navigate to the data folder, you’ll see three files named sample_data.
  2. Click with the left mouse button over the sample_data.csv and choose “Import Dataset”

Now you will see a window like this:

This tutorial will not cover these options. Feel free to explore.

Basic data manipulation with dplyr

Most common data manipulation are easy to do with dplyr. Those manipulation that seems hard to do, believe, there is a way.

We will cover these basic functions for now:

  • filter(): returns the lines of dataset that matches a condition.
  • select(): returns the columns of dataset that matches a condition.
  • mutate(): adds new variables based on existing ones.
  • arrange(): changes the ordering of rows.

Using filter() :

# if you dont have it yet, install dplyr
# install.packages("dplyr")

# let's use our previous dataset: `sample_data`
filtered_data <- filter(sample_data, Item == "Pencil")

## # A tibble: 13 x 6
##    Region  Rep      Item   Units `Unit Cost`  Total
##    <chr>   <chr>    <chr>  <dbl>       <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1 East    Jones    Pencil    95        1.99 189.  
##  2 Central Jardine  Pencil    36        4.99 180.  
##  3 West    Sorvino  Pencil    56        2.99 167.  
##  4 Central Andrews  Pencil    75        1.99 149.  
##  5 Central Jardine  Pencil    90        4.99 449.  
##  6 West    Thompson Pencil    32        1.99  63.7 
##  7 Central Morgan   Pencil    90        4.99 449.  
##  8 East    Jones    Pencil    35        4.99 175.  
##  9 Central Smith    Pencil    67        1.29  86.4 
## 10 Central Andrews  Pencil    66        1.99 131.  
## 11 Central Gill     Pencil    53        1.29  68.4 
## 12 Central Gill     Pencil     7        1.29   9.03
## 13 Central Andrews  Pencil    14        1.29  18.1
# filter using more than one condition
filtered_data <- filter(sample_data, Item == "Pencil", Region == "East")

## # A tibble: 2 x 6
##   Region Rep   Item   Units `Unit Cost` Total
##   <chr>  <chr> <chr>  <dbl>       <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 East   Jones Pencil    95        1.99  189.
## 2 East   Jones Pencil    35        4.99  175.

Using select() :

# if you dont have it yet, install dplyr
# install.packages("dplyr")

# select two columns
selected_data <- select(sample_data, Region, Item)

## # A tibble: 43 x 2
##    Region  Item  
##    <chr>   <chr> 
##  1 East    Pencil
##  2 Central Binder
##  3 Central Pencil
##  4 Central Pen   
##  5 West    Pencil
##  6 East    Binder
##  7 Central Pencil
##  8 Central Pencil
##  9 West    Pencil
## 10 East    Binder
## # ... with 33 more rows
# select a range of columns
selected_data <- select(sample_data, Region:Item)

## # A tibble: 43 x 3
##    Region  Rep      Item  
##    <chr>   <chr>    <chr> 
##  1 East    Jones    Pencil
##  2 Central Kivell   Binder
##  3 Central Jardine  Pencil
##  4 Central Gill     Pen   
##  5 West    Sorvino  Pencil
##  6 East    Jones    Binder
##  7 Central Andrews  Pencil
##  8 Central Jardine  Pencil
##  9 West    Thompson Pencil
## 10 East    Jones    Binder
## # ... with 33 more rows

Using mutate() :

# if you dont have it yet, install dplyr
# install.packages("dplyr")

# create a new column called `Hundred_cost` using `Unit Cost` as origin
mutated_data <- mutate(sample_data, Hundred_cost = `Unit Cost` * 100)

## # A tibble: 43 x 7
##    Region  Rep      Item   Units `Unit Cost` Total Hundred_cost
##    <chr>   <chr>    <chr>  <dbl>       <dbl> <dbl>        <dbl>
##  1 East    Jones    Pencil    95        1.99 189.          199 
##  2 Central Kivell   Binder    50       20.0  999.         1999.
##  3 Central Jardine  Pencil    36        4.99 180.          499 
##  4 Central Gill     Pen       27       20.0  540.         1999.
##  5 West    Sorvino  Pencil    56        2.99 167.          299 
##  6 East    Jones    Binder    60        4.99 299.          499 
##  7 Central Andrews  Pencil    75        1.99 149.          199 
##  8 Central Jardine  Pencil    90        4.99 449.          499 
##  9 West    Thompson Pencil    32        1.99  63.7         199 
## 10 East    Jones    Binder    60        8.99 539.          899 
## # ... with 33 more rows

ATTENTION: If you use the name of an existing column, dplyr will not create a copy, but will overwrite the original with new data.

Using arrange() :

# if you dont have it yet, install dplyr
# install.packages("dplyr")

# Sort by Region and then by Rep descending order
arranged_data <- arrange(sample_data, Region, desc(Rep))

## # A tibble: 43 x 6
##    Region  Rep    Item    Units `Unit Cost`  Total
##    <chr>   <chr>  <chr>   <dbl>       <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1 Central Smith  Desk        2      125     250  
##  2 Central Smith  Pencil     67        1.29   86.4
##  3 Central Smith  Binder     87       15    1305  
##  4 Central Morgan Pencil     90        4.99  449. 
##  5 Central Morgan Binder     28        8.99  252. 
##  6 Central Morgan Pen Set    55       12.5   687. 
##  7 Central Kivell Binder     50       20.0   999. 
##  8 Central Kivell Pen Set    96        4.99  479. 
##  9 Central Kivell Desk        5      125     625  
## 10 Central Kivell Pen Set    42       24.0  1006. 
## # ... with 33 more rows

Using all at once (check this example!):

# if you dont have it yet, install dplyr
# install.packages("dplyr")

# Here we will use a tool called "pipe". This tool allows us to write a more
# readable code. It works like if our data is passing through several steps
# instead of recording the output of a function to use it again in another function.

# ugly way:
filtered_data <- filter(sample_data, Item == "Pencil")
selected_data <- select(filtered_data, Region:Item, `Unit Cost`)
mutated_data <- mutate(selected_data, Hundred_cost = `Unit Cost` * 100)
arranged_data <- arrange(mutated_data, Region, desc(Rep))

# insane way:
arranged_data <- arrange(
                         sample_data, Item == "Pencil"
                       ), Region:Item, `Unit Cost`
                     ), Hundred_cost = `Unit Cost` * 100
                   ), Region, desc(Rep)

# right way (you ommit the first argument since it comes from the previous step):
arranged_data <- sample_data %>% filter(Item == "Pencil") %>%
                   select(Region:Item, `Unit Cost`) %>%
                   mutate(Hundred_cost = `Unit Cost` * 100) %>%
                   arrange(Region, desc(Rep))

## # A tibble: 13 x 5
##    Region  Rep      Item   `Unit Cost` Hundred_cost
##    <chr>   <chr>    <chr>        <dbl>        <dbl>
##  1 Central Smith    Pencil        1.29          129
##  2 Central Morgan   Pencil        4.99          499
##  3 Central Jardine  Pencil        4.99          499
##  4 Central Jardine  Pencil        4.99          499
##  5 Central Gill     Pencil        1.29          129
##  6 Central Gill     Pencil        1.29          129
##  7 Central Andrews  Pencil        1.99          199
##  8 Central Andrews  Pencil        1.99          199
##  9 Central Andrews  Pencil        1.29          129
## 10 East    Jones    Pencil        1.99          199
## 11 East    Jones    Pencil        4.99          499
## 12 West    Thompson Pencil        1.99          199
## 13 West    Sorvino  Pencil        2.99          299

This covers the basics. We will see more examples in the next class.

Module 4.3: Write a simple R code

Your fourth task will be:

  1. Open the file assignment.R that is already in the project, and start from there.
  2. Complete the code following the instructions in the comments


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