This is a tool to explore Windows shell folders.
It is a single file Python3 script that has no dependency.
It will list all the shell:<folder>
folders and allow you to open them in Explorer by input the folder list id.
notepad.exe $PROFILE
then add the wsfe function to the file that opens up.
❗Don't forget to change the path to where you saved the
# Windows_Shell_Folders_Explorer
function wsfe {
python 'C:\Users\user0\Documents\wsfe\'
You can change the __LANGUAGE__
variable in the script to change the language of the output.
1: Administrative Tools
└───These are the tools and settings that are available to administrators on a Windows system.
2: AppData
└───This folder contains application data for the current user.
3: AppsFolder
└───This folder contains the programs and shortcuts that are installed on the system.
4: CD Burning
└───This folder is used to hold CDs that are in the process of being burned.
5: Cache
└───This folder is used to cache application data for faster access.
6: Common Administrative Tools
└───These are the tools and settings that are available to all users on a Windows system.
7: Common AppData
└───This folder contains application data that is shared across all users on the system.
8: Common Desktop
└───This folder is the default location for new desktop shortcuts.
9: Common Documents
└───This folder is the default location for new document shortcuts.
10: Common Programs
└───This folder contains shortcuts to programs that are commonly used.
11: Common Start Menu
└───This folder is the default location for new start menu shortcuts.
12: Common Startup
└───This folder contains programs that are started automatically when a user logs on.
13: Common Templates
└───This folder contains templates that can be used to create new documents or other items.
14: CommonMusic
└───This folder contains music files.
15: CommonPictures
└───This folder contains pictures.
16: CommonVideo
└───This folder contains video files.
17: Cookies
└───This folder contains cookies.
18: Desktop
└───This folder is the default location for new desktop shortcuts.
19: Favorites
└───This folder contains shortcuts to items that the user has marked as favorite.
20: Fonts
└───This folder contains font files.
21: History
└───This folder contains a history of the user's activities.
22: Libraries
└───This folder contains libraries, which are collections of documents, music, and other files.
23: Local AppData
└───This folder contains application data that is specific to the current user.
24: My Music
└───This folder contains music files.
25: My Pictures
└───This folder contains pictures.
26: My Video
└───This folder contains video files.
27: NetHood
└───This folder contains network shortcuts.
28: OEM Links
└───This folder contains links to manufacturer-specific drivers and utilities.
29: Personal
└───This folder is the default location for new document shortcuts.
30: PrintHood
└───This folder contains printers that are available to the user.
31: Programs
└───This folder contains shortcuts to programs that are commonly used.
32: ProgramFiles
└───This folder contains 64-bit programs.
33: ProgramFilesCommon
└───This folder contains programs and settings that are shared between users.
34: ProgramFilesX86
└───This folder contains 64-bit programs.
35: ProgramFilesCommonX86
└───This folder contains programs and settings that are shared between users.
36: Recent
└───This folder contains shortcuts to recently used items.
37: RecycleBinFolder
└───This folder contains items that have been deleted.
38: SendTo
└───This folder contains shortcuts to items that can be sent to other users.
39: Start Menu
└───This folder is the default location for new start menu shortcuts.
40: Startup
└───This folder contains programs that are started automatically when a user logs on.
41: Templates
└───This folder contains templates that can be used to create new documents or other items.
42: UserFilesFolder
└───This folder contains files that are specific to the current user.
43: UsersLibrariesFolder
└───This folder contains libraries, which are collections of documents, music, and other files.
Enter the number of the folder you want to open: (enter q to exit)
1: Administrative Tools
└───管理员在 Windows 系统上可用的工具和设置。
2: AppData
3: AppsFolder
4: CD Burning
└───保存即将烧录的 CD。
5: Cache
6: Common Administrative Tools
└───Windows 系统上所有用户都可用的工具和设置。
7: Common AppData
8: Common Desktop
9: Common Documents
10: Common Programs
11: Common Start Menu
12: Common Startup
13: Common Templates
14: CommonMusic
15: CommonPictures
16: CommonVideo
17: Cookies
18: Desktop
19: Favorites
20: Fonts
21: History
22: Libraries
23: Local AppData
24: My Music
25: My Pictures
26: My Video
27: NetHood
28: OEM Links
29: Personal
30: PrintHood
31: Programs
32: ProgramFiles
└───64 位程序。
33: ProgramFilesCommon
34: ProgramFilesX86
└───64 位程序。
35: ProgramFilesCommonX86
36: Recent
37: RecycleBinFolder
38: SendTo
39: Start Menu
40: Startup
41: Templates
42: UserFilesFolder
43: UsersLibrariesFolder
请输入要打开的文件夹的编号:(输入 q 退出)