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Tuition Media Platform is an online platform system, where users can search and apply for different tuition. The platform should have 2 types of users: admins and users. Admin can add and delete tutions. Users can choose and apply for tuition.
User Registration, login and Authentication When doing registration, the user will get an email and after clicking the email verification link his/her account will be activated and then can login to his/her account. Users can filter tuition by class Allow users to apply for tuition. Users can leave reviews for tutions. Reviews are only allowed after an applicant gets that tuition.
Admin can add tuition to the system. Admin can edit or delete tuition details and availability. Admin can see all applicants for tuition. Then the admin can choose any applicant for that tuition. That tuition will be added to that applicant’s profile.
Display user information with educational qualifications. Allow the user to edit his profile and change password.
Tuition Media Platform is an online platform system, where users can search and apply for different tuition. The platform should have 2 types of users: admins and users. Admin can add and delete tutions. Users can choose and apply for tuition.
User Registration, login and Authentication When doing registration, the user will get an email and after clicking the email verification link his/her account will be activated and then can login to his/her account. Users can filter tuition by class Allow users to apply for tuition. Users can leave reviews for tutions. Reviews are only allowed after an applicant gets that tuition. Any type of user can apply for teacher of any subject and any location.
Admin can add tuition to the system. Admin can edit or delete tuition details and availability. Admin can see all applicants for tuition. Then the admin can choose any applicant for that tuition. That tuition will be added to that applicant’s profile.
Display user information with educational qualifications. Allow the user to edit his profile and change password.
.Clone the project
install all the requirements
run : Py manage.py runser
type in browser to open the application
This project was built using these technologies.
- python
- django
- sqlite
- javascript
- html
- css
- bootstrap
- Git - GitHub
- Name : Hosna Mobarak Nizum
- E-mail : hmnizum1714032@gmail.com
- Phone : +8801981251861, +8801986119395
- Linkedin : /hm-nizum-32n/