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With gurux.serial component you can send data easily syncronously or asyncronously using serial port connection.
Open Source GXNet media component, made by Gurux Ltd, is a part of GXMedias set of media components, which programming interfaces help you implement communication by chosen connection type. Gurux media components also support the following connection types: serial port.
For more info check out Gurux.
We are updating documentation on Gurux web page.
If you have problems you can ask your questions in Gurux Forum.
You can get source codes from or intall package:
pip install gurux-common
pip install gurux-serial
Before use you must set following settings:
- PortName
- BaudRate
- DataBits
- Parity
- StopBits
It is also good to add listener to listen following events.
- onError
- onReceived
- onMediaStateChange
- onTrace
- onPropertyChanged
This example sends data to the serial port and waits reply. Change serial port before use.
import time
from gurux_common import ReceiveParameters
from gurux_common import IGXMediaListener
from gurux_common.enums.TraceLevel import TraceLevel
from gurux_serial import GXSerial
#pylint: disable=no-self-argument
class sampleclient(IGXMediaListener):
def __init__(self):
#List available serial ports.
print("Available ports:")
#Define End Of Packet char.
eop = '\r'
#TODO: Update correct port and serial port settings.
media = GXSerial("SERIAL PORT TO USE")
#Start to listen events from the media.
#Show all traces.
media.trace = TraceLevel.VERBOSE
#Set EOP for the media.
media.eop = eop
#Open the connection.
r = ReceiveParameters()
r.eop = eop
#Minimium amount of bytes to receive.
r.count = 5
#Wait reply for 2 seconds.
r.waitTime = 2000
#Send data synchronously.
with media.getSynchronous():
media.send("Hello world!")
#Send EOP
ret = media.receive(r)
if ret:
raise Exception("Failed to receive reply from the server.")
#Send async data.
media.send("Notify from the meter!\r")
#Wait 1 second to receive reply from the server.
except Exception as ex:
def onError(self, sender, ex):
Represents the method that will handle the error event of a Gurux
sender : The source of the event.
ex : An Exception object that contains the event data.
print("Error has occured. " + str(ex))
def onReceived(self, sender, e):
"""Media component sends received data through this method.
sender : The source of the event.
e : Event arguments.
print("New data is received. " + str(e))
def onMediaStateChange(self, sender, e):
"""Media component sends notification, when its state changes.
sender : The source of the event.
e : Event arguments.
print("Media state changed. " + str(e))
def onTrace(self, sender, e):
"""Called when the Media is sending or receiving data.
sender : The source of the event.
e : Event arguments.
print("trace:" + str(e))
def onPropertyChanged(self, sender, e):
Event is raised when a property is changed on a component.
sender : The source of the event.
e : Event arguments.
print("Property {!r} has hanged.".format(str(e)))
if __name__ == '__main__':