I wanted to study Savagegeese series about four generations of miata: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr-mTF1DFa-uYhVy6flJn83IiqLWgdssr
I downloaded .srt generated from the videos, created svg files with Inkscape of four generations profile cars and used Wordcloud module to put all together.
You will find 3 global variables in Miata_Wordcloud.py:
- SUB_FILE_PATH = the path to the subtitle text file from a youtube video
- MASK_IMAGE_PATH = the path to the mask image wordcloud should use to generate a new image
- STOP_WORDS_PATH = list of words to exclude from the generated worldcloud
Tweak those files to change which generation of miata you want the worldcloud to be applied.
result of the script:
example of what you can achieve for example (using gimp)