‘Waterdroplet’ allows residents of homes using ‘Waterdroplet’ services to take meter readings via photo and instantly receive a bill to pay for water service. There is a need for staff willing to verify true meter readings. This need has arisen when there is a questionable/unlogical change in meter readings relative to old readings. Such verification is provided by the ‘Waterdroplet’.
A microservice architecture with load balancer and resource quantity modification was developed.
A cross-platform application with the ability to exchange information with the server side.
A YOLO-like model for determining meter readings from a photograph regardless of lighting or other complicating factors. The architecture has been refined by increasing drop-out layer metrics, adjusting convolutions, and increasing fully-connected layers.
- api_ml folder with an implementation of a simple API for accessing the model and the model itself
- backend folder with a full implementation of a unified backend for both the site and cross-platform application
- frontend full frontend for the site
- mobile_dart_app implementation of cross-platform app for photos and communication with the model