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characteristics for successful algorithm:

Scalar Metric Pass/Fail equivalent
how many of the constraints did it satisfy did it satisfy all of the constraints?
how many feasible regions did it find did it find all the feasible regions?
what was the variance of the distribution was the variance above X?
was it able to produce enough points fast enough does it make Y points-per-second?

another maybe good property: does it spit out localized failures?

some algorithms to test, as per George Cheng's recomendations in OPYL format:

Simple problem: Pressure vessel

  Ts: {lower: 1.0, upper: 1.375}
  R: {lower: 25.0, upper: 150.0}
  L: {lower: 25.0, upper: 240.0}
  Th: {lower: 0.625, upper: 1.0}
  c1: Ts - 0.0193*R >= 0
  c2: Th - 0.00954*R >= 0
  c3: (pi*(R^2)*L) + ((4/3)*pi*(R^3)) - (1.296*(10^6))>0

Medium problem: stepped-end beam

% lb=[0.01 0.3 0.5]; Replicated by n, number of beams
% ub=[0.05 0.65 1]; Replicated by n, number of beams

% n=10;
% E=2e11;
% P=50000;
% sigma=14000e4*2.5;
% for i=1:n
%     s1=0;
%     for j=1:i
%         s1=s1+x(3*j,:);
%     end
%     c(i,:)=6*P*s1./(x(3*i-2).*x(3*i-1).^2)-sigma;
%     c(i+n,:)=(x(3*i-1)./x(3*i-2))-25;
% end
% s2=0;
% for i=1:n
%     s2=s2+x(3*i,:).*x(3*i-1,:).*x(3*i-2,:);
% end
% c(2*n+1,:)=s2-0.4;
% %  c
% %  c1;
% %  c=[];
% ceq=[];



Hard problem: P118

% lb = [8;43;3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0];
% ub = [21;57;16;90;120;60;90;120;60;90;120;60;90;120;60];

% ccnt = 1;
% for i = 1:4
%     c(ccnt,:) = -x(3*i+1,:)+x(3*i-2,:)-7;
%     c(ccnt+1,:) = x(3*i+1,:)-x(3*i-2,:)-6;
%     c(ccnt+2,:) = -x(3*i+2,:)+x(3*i-1,:)-7;
%     c(ccnt+3,:) = x(3*i+2,:)-x(3*i-1,:)-7;
%     c(ccnt+4,:) = -x(3*i+3,:)+x(3*i,:)-7;
%     c(ccnt+5,:) = x(3*i+3,:)-x(3*i,:)-6;
%     ccnt = ccnt +6;
% end
% c(ccnt,:) = -x(1,:)-x(2,:)-x(3,:)+60;
% c(ccnt+1,:) = -x(4,:)-x(5,:)-x(6,:)+50;
% c(ccnt+2,:) = -x(7,:)-x(8,:)-x(9,:)+70;
% c(ccnt+3,:) = -x(10,:)-x(11,:)-x(12,:)+85;
% c(ccnt+4,:) = -x(13,:)-x(14,:)-x(15,:)+100;
% ceq = [];

For the matlab codes, dimension 1 (rows) represents variables/constraints. Dimension 2 (columns) represents points.