Download SWI-Prolog or simply open SWISH. Open this program, and in the query type
and press ctrl+enter.
The calculator understands trigonometric, cyclometric and hyperbolic functions as well as logarithms. It can also work out complicated composite derivatives. Unfortunately, the output isn't simplified.
(automatic simplification may be added in the future)
To ensure that the program understands your input function correctly, please follow these guidelines:
- Your only variable should be x
- Use * for multiplication, / for division and ^ for powers
- Always use * with constant terms, write 3*x instead of 3x
- Use tg(x) and ctg(x) for tangent and cotangent (likewise with cyclometric and hyperbolic functions)
- Use log(a, x) for logarithm base a of x, you can also use ln(x) for natural logarithm
- When rising x or a function of x to a fractional power, use brackets, e.g. x^(1/3) instead of x^1/3
- Use brackets when dividing long formulas, x/cos(x)*sin(x) is equal to (x*sin(x))/cos(x), not x/(sin(x)*cos(x))
- Likewise, use brackets when rising something to a composite exponent, e.g. 2^(sin(x)*x) instead of 2^sin(x)*x