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Non-Deterministic Processor (NDP) - efficient parallel SAT-solver Copyright (c) 2023 GridSAT Stiftung

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

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GridSAT Stiftung - Georgstr. 11 - 30159 Hannover - Germany - ipfs: gridsat.eth/ -

Non-Deterministic Processor (NDP) - SAT Solver Features

Polynomial Efficiency

NDP demonstrates polynomial efficiency in solving SAT problems. This efficiency is achieved through advanced algorithms that optimize the problem-solving process, reducing the computational complexity typically associated with NP-complete problems.

Multiprocessing and Ray Integration

  • Efficient multiprocessing on single machines.
  • Ray framework for efficient parallel processing on machine clusters.
  • Enables large-scale SAT problem solving.

Optimum Idle CPU Utilization

The NDP architecture is designed to minimize idle CPU time. It dynamically adjusts task distribution based on available resources, ensuring that all CPUs are efficiently utilized throughout the problem-solving and statistics processes with maximized throughput in HPC environments.

Unlimited Linear Scalability

The solver scales linearly with the addition of more computing resources maintaining consistent performance gains.

SAT-Solving Options and Script Customization

  • Supports various SAT-solving modes, catering to different problem classes.
  • Flexible input options: line input, file input, and DIMACS format.
  • Customizable script options for enhanced user control and experience.

Comprehensive Statistics and Insights

The NDP generates detailed statistics that provide insights into the solving process. Apart the verified solution, statistics include, e.g., a problem ID hash, zulu timestamp, input-file info incl. #VARs and clauses, data on unique nodes, redundant subtrees, memory usage, and # of CPUs.


NDP is the abbreviation for Non-Deterministic Processor. One of the most important questions in theoretical computer science was the P vs. NP problem asking how difficult it is to simulate non-deterministic computation with a deterministic computer. The class NP represented problems with no known polynomial-time solution, but if given a solution, it was verifiable to be correct within polynomial time. It was called non-deterministic polynomial because a non-deterministic machine could solve it in polynomial time. NP problems were beyond computability, incl. but not limited to quantum computation which itself is NP-complete.


An NDP makes the whole internet look like a footnote in history. It may be as important as the discovery of fire.


The NDP solves any NP problem in polynomial time with unlimited linear scalability over multi-core deployments. Just as any other processor, it computes deterministically. It processes problems formulated in SAT (3SAT) transformed into CNF (DIMACS) outputting the most fundamental data structure in computer science called Binary Decision Diagrams (BDD). BDDs are as fundamental as .txt files for word processors.

Theoretical background:

Recalling that BDDs are graph representations of boolean functions with with 2^n+1 -1 nodes being equivalent to the complete truth table, we can collapse the tree in such a way, that the function can still be evaluated in the same manner, yet the resulting acyclic digraph (BDD) may be much smaller. Accordingly it is known and has been severally demonstrated, that the variable ordering of the respective input set can significantly impact the size of a BDD (i.e., the efficiency of generating the BDD). The variable ordering problem can therefore be viewed as determining a permutation of the input variables that provides the sequence representing these implicants efficiently and keeping the size of the resulting BDD minimal.

However it is further known, that finding an optimal variable order is NP-complete and that OBDD lower bounds for some special functions seemed to be exponential independant of any variable ordering.

Non-withstanding of these OBDD functions, the NDP bypasses those exponential lower bounds through equisatisfiable translations enabling BDD sizes approximated by O(M^4), where M is the number of clauses of a CNF representation of the function. The average case fittings for FACT and MULT are even much more efficient when generating the CNF-input with Paul Purdom and Amr Sabry ’s transformation.


Algebra was introduced some 1,200 years ago. In classic Arabic with Arabic numerals in addition to 0 introduced from the Hindu numeral system. While todays elementary algebra symbolizes variables with Latin letters whose values are Arabic numbers, Boolean algebra only assigns true and false values, usually denoted 1 and 0 to the respective letter, e.g., X. Furthermore, subject matter Boolean functions in CNF use the logical and operator (often denoted as ∧) and the negation not (often denoted as ¬). Accordingly, a Boolean function contains variables and logical connectors representing its form (syntax). The meaning (semantic) of that Boolean function is represented by the ordered set of variable value combinations, i.e., by its truth table.

The Magic:

The relation between syntax and semantics in formal and natural languages is one of the most debated topics in modern logics and linguistics. Its understanding bears important consequences for both, computer science and computational linguistics. Fundamental doctrines of logic (Frege, Russell, Tarski and their followers) assume that symbols refer solely to things of the world and that reference to those things is uniquely determined by the context of a sentence, but not by any intrinsic features of the used symbols.

Classic Arabic is known to contradict those doctrines: Symbols refer to meanings but not to things. Meanings are embedded in the permutations of characters used in the symbols. Thus, a symbol contains its own independent semantic nuance, which is only complemented by the context of usage.

Putting this feature of classic Arabic into action for SAT processing reveals semantic patterns hidden behind names of variables used in CNF formulas. E.g., if indices in variable names reflect repetition lengths of 0 and 1 patterns in the truth table, it can be shown that inducing a linear order between those indices by means of simple renaming, always enables construction of small BDDs.

Please check the Resources for a comprehensive and authentic overview.

NDP LINUX Installation with Ray

Install NDP

to [DIRECTORY], e.g.: /NDP git clone or download .zip here

Prepare system virtualenv

screen session (best practice), e.g.:

screen -S NDP

install Python 3 package manager (pip) and libraries for PostgreSQL database connections with performance monitoring tools for Linux:

sudo apt install python3-pip libpq-dev sysstat
Create virtual environment (virtualenv)
cd <path_to_directory>

virtualenv <dir_name>
Activate and update virtualenv
source <dir_name>/bin/activate
Install Ray and other required tools
pip install -r requirements.txt

For further info on Ray check Ray Repo and the Ray documentation.

Startup RAY for multi-processing on cluster

(Note: NDP also runs on single machine without Ray - just go to the "Run solver" section below and skip "Startup Ray")

Start head node without Ray Dashboard

Example initialization with 4 CPUs as system reserves - configure as appropriate:

CPUS=$(( $(lscpu --online --parse=CPU | egrep -v '^#' | wc -l) - 4 ))
ray start --head --include-dashboard=false --disable-usage-stats --num-gpus=0 --num-cpus=$CPUS
Start head node with Ray Dashboard

Example initialization with 4 CPUs as system reserves - configure as appropriate:

CPUS=$(( $(lscpu --online --parse=CPU | egrep -v '^#' | wc -l) - 4 ))
ray start --head --include-dashboard=true --dashboard-host= --disable-usage-stats --num-gpus=0 --num-cpus=$CPUS
Start worker nodes

Example initialization with 2 CPUs system reserves - configure as appropriate:

CPUS=$(( $(lscpu --online --parse=CPU | egrep -v '^#' | wc -l) - 2 ))
ray start --address='MASTER-IP:6379' --redis-password='MASTER-PASSWORT' --num-gpus=0 --num-cpus=$CPUS

Run solver

Example in verbos with L.O.U. condition, max #CPUs, sort by size for best MULT-circuit of Purdom-Sabry DIMACS-input format, and output verification (more info available in published paper resources and via NDP help):

python3 -v -d [dir_name]/[CNF/DIMACS] -m lou -z -verify

Example in verbos with L.O.U. condition, 256 #CPUs, -thief for best FACT of Purdom-Sabry DIMACS-input format, and output verification:

python3 -v -d [dir_name]/[CNF/DIMACS] -m lou -thief -t256 -verify

NDP help

python3 -h

Starter tools

Some helpers with example paths and inputs to easily run the processes and environments provided you configured your scripts (e.g. AWS):

# .bin/
sudo su - [user_name]

# .bin/
sudo -u [user_name] -i /bin/bash -i -c

# .bin/
ssh -i $HOME/.ssh/AWS.pem "node$1"

# .bin/
ssh -i $HOME/.ssh/AWS.pem "node$1" -t .bin/

# run and log unbuffered (need expect-dev installed)
CORES="0001"; BITS="14"; ( echo "START: `date`"; echo ""; unbuffer python3 -v -d inputs/Multi"$BITS"bit.txt -m lou -t $CORES 2>/dev/null ; echo "" ; echo "ENDE: `date`" ) | tee logs/$(date "+%Y-%m-%d")_Multi"$BITS"bit-$CORES-Cores.txt

# run and start on [HEADNODE]
cd $HOME/myDirectory; source __venv__/bin/activate ; PATH=$PATH:/home/myDirectory/bin [HEADNODE] 8

# run and start on a [NODE]
cd $HOME/myDirectory; source __venv__/bin/activate ; PATH=$PATH:/home/myDirectory/bin [NODE] 22