Create Directories
Install dependancies (MEAN , Docker)
Frontend started
- basic outline and structure of client app is made
API started
- basic routes are made (get, post, patch, delete) (CRUD operations pertaining to tasks)
- Mongoose is utilized to connect to MongoDB
- Nice documentation found here: https://mongoosejs.com/docs/guides.html
- Preparation on connection to frontend is done
Angular frontend upgraded
- utilizing Bulma framework
npm install bulma
- Great documenation with helpful pieces of code found here: https://bulma.io/documentation/
Frontend and API connection
- Services begin to be created including a service to handle all web requests
When encountering problems, I get help and learn from researching similar errors that other people have handled. Slack Overflow is great for this
New pages are created in Anglular frontend that help with getting input from the user
ng generate component pages/new-task
- Categories being created on the left hand sidebar, tasks being created on the right side of the task manager
- Passing more information about categories and tasks from the frontend, through the api, to MongoDB
- ex. completion status
- Testing using Postman: https://www.postman.com/
- User creation
- Authentication using JSON Web Tokens
- User is created and received an id(like most other objects), the id is given a refresh token, which is used to create access token (which grants a user access to their perticular pages).
- Authentication using JSON Web Tokens
- Sessions creation
- Code optimization
- new files are created to handle specifics (ex. an authentication service)
- CRUD operations are improved
- utilizes items from the headers (id, task id, category id, etc)
- some credentials are also hashed in the header (helps with sessions and allowing a user to see only their content)
- utilizes items from the headers (id, task id, category id, etc)
- Frontend updated
- includes buttons to edit and delete tasks (which send CRUD operation web requests through the api)
- includes a dropdown box containing buttons to edit and delete categories (dropdown and other buttons created with the help of Bulma and Font Awesome documentation)
- Categories can be updated and deleted smoothly
- More testing completed through Postman and Angular Frontend
- Research and practice on sorting tasks in progress