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Switch remaining vendors to the Khronos loader #881

Switch remaining vendors to the Khronos loader

Switch remaining vendors to the Khronos loader #881

# Workflow to automatically create the godot openxr loaders addon
name: Build on push
on: [push, pull_request]
# Only used for the cache key. Increment version to force clean build.
SCONS_CACHE: ${{ github.workspace }}/.scons-cache/
name: Building for ${{ }} (${{ matrix.os }})
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
fail-fast: true
- name: 🐧 Linux (x86_64, GCC)
os: ubuntu-20.04
platform: linux
flags: arch=x86_64
artifact_name: build-files-linux-x86_64
artifact_path: aar/demo/addons/godotopenxrvendors/.bin/linux/*/*/*.so
cache-name: linux-x86_64
# Not sure how to cross compile these
# - name: Linux (arm64)
# os: ubuntu-20.04
# platform: linux
# flags: arch=arm64
# artifact_name: build-files-linux-arm64
# artifact_path: aar/demo/addons/godotopenxrvendors/.bin/linux/*/*/*.so
# cache-name: linux-arm64
# - name: Linux (rv64)
# os: ubuntu-20.04
# platform: linux
# flags: arch=rv64
# artifact_name: build-files-linux-rv64
# artifact_path: aar/demo/addons/godotopenxrvendors/.bin/linux/*/*/*.so
# cache-name: linux-rv64
- name: 🏁 Windows (x86_64, MSVC)
os: windows-latest
platform: windows
artifact_name: build-files-windows
artifact_path: aar/demo/addons/godotopenxrvendors/.bin/windows/*/*/*.dll
cache-name: windows-x86_64-msvc
- name: 🍎 MacOS (universal)
os: macos-latest
platform: macos
flags: arch=universal
artifact_name: build-files-macos
artifact_path: aar/demo/addons/godotopenxrvendors/.bin/macos/*/*.framework
cache-name: macos-universal
- name: 🤖 Android (arm64)
os: ubuntu-20.04
platform: android
flags: arch=arm64
artifact_name: build-files-android-arm64
artifact_path: |
cache-name: android-arm64
- name: 🤖 Android (x86_64)
os: ubuntu-20.04
platform: android
flags: arch=x86_64
artifact_name: build-files-android-x86_64
artifact_path: |
cache-name: android-x86_64
# Note, to satisfy the asset library we need to make sure our zip files have a root folder
# this is why we checkout into aar and build into asset
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
path: aar
submodules: recursive
- name: Restore Godot build cache
uses: ./aar/thirdparty/godot-cpp/.github/actions/godot-cache-restore
cache-name: ${{ matrix.cache-name }}
continue-on-error: true
- name: Set up Python (for SCons)
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: "3.x"
- name: Android dependencies
uses: nttld/setup-ndk@v1
ndk-version: r23c
link-to-sdk: true
if: matrix.platform == 'android'
- name: Install scons
run: |
python -m pip install scons==4.0.0
- name: Create extension library
run: |
cd aar
scons platform=${{ matrix.platform }} target=template_debug ${{ matrix.flags }} custom_api_file=thirdparty/godot_cpp_gdextension_api/extension_api.json build_profile=thirdparty/godot_cpp_build_profile/build_profile.json
scons platform=${{ matrix.platform }} target=template_release ${{ matrix.flags }} custom_api_file=thirdparty/godot_cpp_gdextension_api/extension_api.json build_profile=thirdparty/godot_cpp_build_profile/build_profile.json
cd ..
- name: Save Godot build cache
uses: ./aar/thirdparty/godot-cpp/.github/actions/godot-cache-save
cache-name: ${{ matrix.cache-name }}
continue-on-error: true
- name: Upload build files (artifacts)
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: ${{ matrix.artifact_name }}
path: |
${{ matrix.artifact_path }}
name: Assembling the asset
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
needs: build
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
path: aar
- name: Download all workflow run artifacts
uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
- name: Setup java
uses: actions/setup-java@v4
java-version: 17
distribution: "adopt"
- name: Validate Gradle wrapper
uses: gradle/actions/wrapper-validation@v3
- name: Copy Android binaries
run: |
mkdir aar/plugin/src/main/libs
cp -r build-files-android-arm64/* aar/plugin/src/main/libs/
cp -r build-files-android-x86_64/* aar/plugin/src/main/libs/
- name: Create Godot OpenXR Vendors AARs
run: |
cd aar
./gradlew build
cd ..
- name: Create Godot OpenXR Vendors Addon
run: |
mkdir asset
cp -r aar/demo/addons asset
cp aar/ asset/addons/godotopenxrvendors/
- name: Adding vendor licences
run: |
mkdir -p asset/addons/godotopenxrvendors/meta/
cp aar/thirdparty/khronos_openxr_sdk/LICENSE asset/addons/godotopenxrvendors/meta/LICENSE
mkdir -p asset/addons/godotopenxrvendors/pico/
cp aar/thirdparty/khronos_openxr_sdk/LICENSE asset/addons/godotopenxrvendors/pico/LICENSE
mkdir -p asset/addons/godotopenxrvendors/khronos/
cp aar/thirdparty/khronos_openxr_sdk/LICENSE asset/addons/godotopenxrvendors/khronos/LICENSE
mkdir -p asset/addons/godotopenxrvendors/magicleap/
cp aar/thirdparty/khronos_openxr_sdk/LICENSE asset/addons/godotopenxrvendors/magicleap/LICENSE
- name: Copying artifacts
run: |
mkdir -p asset/addons/godotopenxrvendors/.bin/android/template_debug/arm64
mkdir -p asset/addons/godotopenxrvendors/.bin/android/template_release/arm64
cp -r build-files-android-arm64/debug/*/*/*.so asset/addons/godotopenxrvendors/.bin/android/template_debug/arm64/
cp -r build-files-android-arm64/release/*/*/*.so asset/addons/godotopenxrvendors/.bin/android/template_release/arm64/
mkdir -p asset/addons/godotopenxrvendors/.bin/android/template_debug/x86_64
mkdir -p asset/addons/godotopenxrvendors/.bin/android/template_release/x86_64
cp -r build-files-android-x86_64/debug/*/*/*.so asset/addons/godotopenxrvendors/.bin/android/template_debug/x86_64/
cp -r build-files-android-x86_64/release/*/*/*.so asset/addons/godotopenxrvendors/.bin/android/template_release/x86_64/
mkdir -p asset/addons/godotopenxrvendors/.bin/linux/
cp -r build-files-linux-x86_64/* asset/addons/godotopenxrvendors/.bin/linux/
mkdir -p asset/addons/godotopenxrvendors/.bin/windows/
cp -r build-files-windows/* asset/addons/godotopenxrvendors/.bin/windows/
mkdir -p asset/addons/godotopenxrvendors/.bin/macos/
cp -r build-files-macos/* asset/addons/godotopenxrvendors/.bin/macos/
- name: Create Godot OpenXR Vendor addon artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: GodotOpenXRVendorsAddon
include-hidden-files: true
path: |
- name: Zip addon
run: |
zip -qq -r asset
if: github.event_name == 'push' && startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags')
- name: Create and upload asset
uses: ncipollo/release-action@v1
allowUpdates: true
artifacts: ""
draft: true
omitNameDuringUpdate: true
omitBodyDuringUpdate: true
omitDraftDuringUpdate: true
omitPrereleaseDuringUpdate: true
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
if: github.event_name == 'push' && startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags')
name: "Run XR Simulator"
#runs-on: windows-latest
runs-on: [Windows, self-hosted, gpu]
needs: build
GODOT_VERSION: "4.4-beta1"
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
lfs: 'true'
- name: Install Chocolatey
run: |
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
- name: Install 7zip
run: |
choco install 7zip -y
- name: Download Godot
run: |
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "${{ env.GODOT_VERSION }}/Godot_v${{ env.GODOT_VERSION }}" -OutFile ""
- name: Extract Godot
run: |
Expand-Archive -Path "" -DestinationPath .
#- name: Download SwiftShader vulkan-1.dll
# run: |
# Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "vulkan-1.dll"
- name: Download Meta XR Simulator
run: |
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "${{ env.XRSIM_VERSION }}.tgz" -OutFile MetaXRSimulator.tgz
- name: Extract Meta XR Simulator
run: |
# Unzip.
New-Item -Path "C:\Meta" -ItemType Directory -Force
tar -xzvf "MetaXRSimulator.tgz" -C "C:\Meta\"
rm "MetaXRSimulator.tgz"
- name: Configure the Meta XR Simulator as the active OpenXR runtime
run: |
New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Khronos\OpenXR\1" -Name "ActiveRuntime" -Force
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Khronos\OpenXR\1" -Name "ActiveRuntime" -Value "C:\Meta\package\MetaXRSimulator\meta_openxr_simulator.json"
- name: Download Windows build artifacts
uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
name: build-files-windows
path: build-files-windows
- name: Copy Windows build of the addon into the demo and samples project
run: |
mkdir -p demo/addons/godotopenxrvendors/.bin/windows/
cp -r build-files-windows/* demo/addons/godotopenxrvendors/.bin/windows/
$sampleProjects = Get-ChildItem -Path "samples/" -Directory
foreach ($project in $sampleProjects) {
cp -r demo/addons "$($project.FullName)/"
- name: Import the demo and sample projects
run: |
$godot = "Godot_v${{ env.GODOT_VERSION }}_win64.exe"
Write-Output ""
Write-Output " ** Importing demo project"
Write-Output ""
Start-Process -FilePath "$godot" -ArgumentList "--path demo --import --headless" -NoNewWindow -Wait
$sampleProjects = Get-ChildItem -Path "samples/" -Directory
foreach ($project in $sampleProjects) {
$projectFile = Join-Path -Path $project.FullName -ChildPath "project.godot"
if (Test-Path $projectFile) {
Write-Output ""
Write-Output " ** Importing project $($project.Name)"
Write-Output ""
Start-Process -FilePath "$godot" -ArgumentList "--path $($project.FullName) --import --headless" -NoNewWindow -Wait
- name: Launch a synthetic environment
run: |
# Ensure a synthetic environment isn't already running.
try {
Get-Process -Name "synth_env_server" | Stop-Process
} catch {
# Do nothing if there is no existing process.
Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Meta\package\MetaXRSimulator\.synth_env_server\synth_env_server.exe" -ArgumentList "Bedroom" -PassThru
- name: Run tests
run: |
$jsonPath = "$env:AppData\MetaXR\MetaXrSimulator\persistent_data.json"
$demoVrsFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "demo/tests/" -Recurse -Filter *.vrs
$sampleVrsFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "samples/*/tests/" -Recurse -Filter *.vrs
$vrsFiles = @()
$vrsFiles += $demoVrsFiles
$vrsFiles += $sampleVrsFiles
foreach ($file in $vrsFiles) {
$replayPath = Join-Path -Path $file.DirectoryName -ChildPath ($file.BaseName + "-replay.vrs")
$jsonContent = @{
session_capture = @{
delay_start_ms = 5000
exec_state = "replay"
quit_buffer_ms = 5000
quit_when_complete = $true
record_path = $file.FullName
replay_path = $replayPath
} | ConvertTo-Json
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path (Split-Path $jsonPath)
Set-Content -Path $jsonPath -Value $jsonContent
echo "$jsonContent"
$godot = "Godot_v${{ env.GODOT_VERSION }}_win64.exe"
$timeout = 300
$waitTime = 0
$projectPath = (Get-Item $file.DirectoryName).Parent
Write-Output ""
Write-Output " ** Running VRS $($file.Name) on $($projectPath.Name) project"
Write-Output ""
$process = Start-Process -FilePath "$godot" -ArgumentList "--path $($projectPath.FullName) --rendering-method mobile --verbose -- --xrsim-automated-tests" -NoNewWindow -PassThru
while ($process.HasExited -eq $false -and $waitTime -lt $timeout) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
if ($process.HasExited -eq $false) {
Write-Output "Process is still running after $timeout seconds. Stopping the process."
Exit 1
} else {
Write-Output "Process completed within $waitTime seconds."
if (-Not (Test-Path $replayPath)) {
Write-Error "Replay file not found: $replayPath"
Exit 1
- name: Stop synthetic environment
run: |
Get-Process -Name "synth_env_server" | Stop-Process
- name: Upload VRS artifacts
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: ReplayVRS
path: |
name: "Compare VRS replay"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: run_xr_simulator
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Download VRS artifacts
uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
name: ReplayVRS
path: tests/vrs
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: '3.10'
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r scripts/vrs_pixmatch/requirements.txt
- name: Compare VRS replay with expected recordings
run: |
cd tests/vrs/
mkdir diffs
for replay in $(find . -name \*-replay.vrs); do
echo " ==> Checking $replay..."
expected=$(echo $replay | sed -e 's/-replay.vrs$/.vrs/')
mkdir -p "$diff_path"
python ../../scripts/vrs_pixmatch/ "$expected" "$replay" --threshold 0.4 --max-pixel-diff 40000 --output-path "$diff_path" --verbose
- name: Upload VRS diff artifacts
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
if: always()
name: ReplayVRSDiff
path: tests/vrs/diffs/**/*