The following are one-liners to install JDK or GraalVM JDK. They will download, decompress, place it in the right directory, and update your shell profile with a proper JAVA_HOME environment variable. No root needed.
You can always go to the official page and download things yourself if you know what you are doing. If you are using Windows or would like a point-and-click installer, also check the official page.
I'm also including a semi-one-liner to start your project with Gradle! After all, if you are installing Java you probably want to create something.
Run this in a newly created directory for your project. The script will download Gradle temporarily, and output another one-liner to initialize your app. That one-liner will also delete the temporary Gradle download. You do not need a global Gradle installation on your system, every project holds its own copy once initialized.
curl -s | bash
OS | Arch | JDK | Ver | Command |