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Tini is back!

This is a little discord Bot, aiming to be gimmicky and fun. Maybe even a bit useful!

Features not considered (at least for now) are:

  • Anything that can be done faster the "proper" way
    • Yes, this means google search
  • Anything that has no long term use
    • Funny gimmicks that wear off after a very short time are just not worth it
  • Music playing
    • there are special bots for this

The Website: Support of every kind: Join the BotParty

Contribution Guide

  1. Download Typesafe Activator
  2. Extract the zip and run the activator or activator.bat script from a non-interactive shell
  3. Your browser should open to the Activator UI: http://localhost:8888


  1. Download sbt
  2. (Optional) Open the project in IntelliJ using File > New > Project from Existing Sources > Model: SBT

To work on the Bot:

Create a new application in your discord developer console (only the Name is needed). Make this a Bot user.

Create the config/application.conf File from the Template in bot/config/application.conf and set at least password and discord.token:

  • secret.password - the password with which you want to kill the bot.
  • secret.discord.token - the bot token from your discord authorization site.

The Bot can optionally use the Google Drive to load images via the !image Command. To use the gdrive api:

  • Go to and choose the project for your bot.
  • Create new Credentials for "Other UI"
  • Then continue with setting these settings in the config/application.conf file:
  • config.gdrive.folder - the image directory in google drive e.g my-epic-colelction/images
  • config.gdrive.client-id - the client_id form the Google API Manager
  • config.gdrive.secret - the secret from the Google API Manager

You will be asked to authorize your application at first startup, be sure not to miss it!

To be able to use the !be Command the Bot must log some Messages of the Users, so a log Directory must be created:

  • config.log-dir - the folder where the logs for imitating people are stored.

For the !mal Command you have to register a Account on MAL and set some things in the config file:

  • secret.mal.user - Your MAL Username
  • secret.mal.password - the Password of the MAL user

Create a new firebase app. Go to "Permissions" and add a Service Account. Make sure to give it the role "Project Editor". Generate and download the .json key file. Rename it to "tinibot-firebase.json". Drop it in the folder of your executable.

You can use the following ways to run the bot:

  • To run it locally: sbt bot/run
  • To assemble a jar-file: sbt bot/assembly and then java -jar bot/target/scala-2.11/TiniBot.jar
  • To build a docker image: sbt bot/docker and then docker run -d -e "TINI_TOKEN=xxx" -e "TINI_PASSWORD=xxx" giymo11/tinibot
    • Of course you have to replace every giymo11 with your own docker name (see build.sbt)
    • Don't forget to mount your tinbot-firebase.json on the appropriate volume!

Finally, to make your bot join, modify and then open this link:<CLIENT_ID from discord>&scope=bot&permissions=3152896 Example:

To work on the website:

You can use the following ways to run the bot:

  • To run it locally: sbt web/run
    • Or, even better, to have it automatically reload and display changes after you save a file: sbt ~web/re-start
  • To assemble a jar-file: sbt web/assembly and then java -jar bot/target/scala-2.11/TiniWeb.jar
  • To build a docker image: sbt web/docker and then docker run -d giymo11/tiniweb
    • Of course you have to replace every giymo11 with your own docker name (see build.sbt)

You can stop the server by navigating to /shutdown?password=xxx, where you replace xxx with the password set in the Main object.


To make the bot join, click here Until now, Tini can:

  • !help - Display help Dialog
  • !catfacts - Display a cat fact.
  • respond to everything with an opinion.
  • !shutup - not do that anymore.
  • !8ballmode - do that again.
  • !roll [lower] <upper>, example: !roll 1 10, !roll 6
  • !roll <count>d<sides>, example: !roll 2d6
  • !bio - Set your, and display other biographies
  • set the status when you PM her !botstatus <password> <text>
  • commit seppuku when you PM it !kill <password> where you substitute the with the one in your TINI_PASSWORD environment variable.
  • !repeat <count> [timeout] <command> <command-args> - Repeat the command multiple times with the arguments
  • !image [image-type] [tags]* - Send a random image with the image type (or any with image-type "all") from one of the directories specified with tags
  • !be <user> - Imitates the user
  • !say <text> - Tini says the text
  • !mal <anime|manga> <name> - Gives you some information about the anime / manga
  • !bofh - Gives you some Bastard Operator from Hell excuses
  • !setchar <char> - Changes the Command Prefix (!) to the parameter


  • Subscribe to MAL profiles for announcements of activity
    • should only updates been shown? i guess so
    • but then i have to store the already-known state. in DB? in memory?
    • can i re-use the repeat command for this? how to differentiate?
  • Subscribe to Subreddits for announcements of activity
  • Subscribe to Github profiles for announcemnets of activity
  • Subscribe to Youtube profiles for announcements of activity
  • Subscribe to ... you get the point.
  • Maybe implement minigames like
    • !heist.
    • 8ball
    • etc
  • Display random files from my private EpicCollecshun(TM) (request by genre) (with !image Images can be viewed)
  • Scrape and save the lewd pictures that get posted.
  • Check if a reddit thread exists for a given link, and post it.
  • Track the last time a given nick was in the channel, and the last time they spoke.
  • !russian-roulette
  • Play yandere simulator
  • Subscribe to RSS feeds?
  • Collect stats about the channels/guilds
  • sometimes just change its status to inappropriate stuff.
  • Play silly sounds (from collection?)
  • Linking discord and other profiles e.g. Steam and


  • custom "choose one of a list" commands using gist or pastebin (like catfacts, insult, etc) and access them via !tell set <name> <url> and then !tell <name>
    • have cumulative lists (like !catfacts add )
    • remove stuff from lists (like !catfacts remove last or !catfacts remove <old fact>)
    • overwrite the list (like !catfacts load <url to txt file> and similar
  • setting to change the bot-escape-char for one channel, e.g. !setchar * to now require *command all the time.
  • add points like NadekoFlowers to gamble in minigames
    • heist!
    • trivia game
    • and more like that
  • at every command: notify users via PM if permissions are missing
  • instead of always typing the admin PW, be able to tell the bot that you are admin and then do your stuff
  • enable settings for if the bot should repspond via PM, via @mention, or just normally
  • have a general command to save stuff on a user / channel etc.
  • have a command to tag others with sth like "not to be trusted" etc.
  • disable writing in a channel - delete all new messages

From Nadekobot issues:

  • google calendar integration
  • give members a group based on which game they are currently playing
    • could then be used to have channels only for one game
  • macro commands
    • to have custom command "scripts"
  • bridge functionality
    • to IRC
    • to channels between servers
    • to Slack or even hangouts
  • !remindme
    • email?
    • pm?
    • default = in current channel
    • you get PMs for your white cards
    • the result is always shown in the text channel where it started

Version 2.0:

  • A web dashboard with all kinds of awesome stuff.
  • Like, I don't even want to start writing all this stuff down.


  • Replace the firebase database backend with a Postgres & Kafka setup.

To discuss:

  • Rewrite the command system
    • how do we do content?
  • Use the equivalent of "NadekoFlowers" for cpu/bandwidth intensive stuff
  • lets try actors?
  • rewrite to be using monix Observables?
  • Use HOCON for configs

Libraries used

  • JDA // Way better than Discord4J.
  • monix // amazing!
  • cats // Not used much yet. The Xor is nice I guess.
  • scalatest // My favourite testing lib. Not that I write many, tho.

Plugins used