- Universal Excel import and export tools.
- Support is derived from the List<Map>.
- Support from the List<POJO> import and export.
- Support from inside the List<POJO and List<POJO> inside> import and export.
- To support the export of similar curriculum structure type cross table.
- Support for Internationalization.
- Don't write a configuration file.
- Use the adapter pattern, data import and export support arbitrary types, users can also write your own adapter custom data types!
* 万能的Excel导入导出工具. * 支持从List<Map>中导出. * 支持从List<POJO>中导入导出. * 支持从List<POJO里面还有List<POJO>>中导入导出. * 支持导出类似课程表结构类型纵表. * 支持国际化. * 支持数据字典. * 支持单元格中下拉框数据校验. * 支持自动标红错误的数据. * 支持模板校验,用hash值相加校验模板中的数据是否被改动过. * 支持自由交换表格中的行或者列. * 不写一个配置文件. * 用到了适配器模式,支持任意类型的数据导入导出,用户还可以自己编写适配器操作自定义的数据类型!
package org.jplus.hyberbin.excel;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet; import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Workbook; import org.jplus.hyberbin.excel.bean.CellBean; import org.jplus.hyberbin.excel.bean.GroupConfig; import org.jplus.hyberbin.excel.bean.TableBean; import org.jplus.hyberbin.excel.service.ExportExcelService; import org.jplus.hyberbin.excel.service.ExportTableService; import org.jplus.hyberbin.excel.service.ImportExcelService; import org.jplus.hyberbin.excel.service.SimpleExportService; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.*;
/** *
@author Hyberbin */ public class TestExcel { private Workbook workbook;
@BeforeClass public static void setUpClass() { }
@Before public void setUp() { workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
} private static Map buildMap(String id,String kcmc,String kclx){ Map map=new HashMap(); map.put("id", id); map.put("kcmc", kcmc); map.put("kclx", kclx); return map; } private static List getList(){ List list=new ArrayList(); list.add(new SchoolCourse("1", "语文","1")); list.add(new SchoolCourse("2", "数学","1")); list.add(new SchoolCourse("3", "英语","1")); list.add(new SchoolCourse("4", "政治","2")); list.add(new SchoolCourse("5", "历史","2")); return list; }
private static List getMapList(){ List list=new ArrayList(); list.add(buildMap("1", "语文","1")); list.add(buildMap("2", "数学","1")); list.add(buildMap("3", "英语","1")); list.add(buildMap("4", "政治","2")); list.add(buildMap("5", "历史","2")); return list; } /**
- 从List中导出
- @throws Exception */ @Test public void testSimpleMapExport() throws Exception { Sheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("testSimpleMapExport"); SimpleExportService service = new SimpleExportService(sheet, getMapList(), new String[]{"id","kcmc","kclx"}, "学校课程"); //如果要表头可以像下面这样设置,不要表头可以不写 service.setLanguage(new ILanguage() { @Override public String translate(Object key, Object... args) { if("id".equals(key)){ return "序号"; }else if("kcmc".equals(key)){ return "课程名称"; }else if("kclx".equals(key)){ return "课程类型"; } return key+""; } }); service.setDic("KCLX", "KCLX").addDic("KCLX", "1", "国家课程").addDic("KCLX", "2", "学校课程");//设置数据字典 service.doExport(); }
- 从List中导出
- @throws Exception */ @Test public void testSimpleVoExport() throws Exception { Sheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("testSimpleVoExport"); //ExportExcelService service = new ExportExcelService(list, sheet, "学校课程"); ExportExcelService service = new ExportExcelService(getList(), sheet, new String[]{"id", "courseName", "type"}, "学校课程"); service.addDic("KCLX", "1", "国家课程").addDic("KCLX", "2", "学校课程");//设置数据字典 service.doExport(); }
- 从Excel中直接导入 */ @Test public void testSimpleImport()throws Exception { testTableExport();//这一步仅仅是想得到一个已有的Excel,用户可以通过其他形式生成一个已有数据的workbook Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet("testTableExport"); ImportTableService tableService=new ImportTableService(sheet); tableService.doImport(); //直接读取到List中,泛型可以是Map也可以是PO //第一个参数是从表格第0列开始依次读取内容放到哪些字段中 List read = tableService.read(new String[]{"a","b","c"}, Map.class); System.out.print(read); }
@throws Exception */ @Test public void testVoHasListExport() throws Exception { List strings = new ArrayList(); List list = getList(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { strings.add("我是第" + i + "个循环字段"); } for (SchoolCourse course : list) { course.setBaseArray(strings); } Sheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("testVoHasListExport"); ExportExcelService service = new ExportExcelService(list, sheet, new String[]{"id", "courseName", "type", "baseArray"}, "学校课程"); service.addDic("KCLX", "1", "国家课程").addDic("KCLX", "2", "学校课程");//设置数据字典 service.setGroupConfig("baseArray", new GroupConfig(10) {
@Override public String getLangName(int innerIndex, int index) { return "我是第" + index + "个循环字段"; }
}); service.doExport(); service.exportTemplate();//生成下拉框 }
- 从List,vo中还有复杂循环节中导出
- @throws Exception */ @Test public void testVoHasListVoExport() throws Exception { List list = getList(); for (SchoolCourse course : list) { List innerVos = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { innerVos.add(new InnerVo("key1", "value1")); } course.setInnerVoArray(innerVos); } Sheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("testVoHasListVoExport"); ExportExcelService service = new ExportExcelService(list, sheet, new String[]{"id", "courseName", "type", "innerVoArray"}, "学校课程"); service.addDic("KCLX", "1", "国家课程").addDic("KCLX", "2", "学校课程");//设置数据字典 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { service.addTook("hiddenvalue", "key", i, "something"); } service.setGroupConfig("innerVoArray", new GroupConfig(2, 10) { @Override public String getLangName(int innerIndex, int index) { return "我是第" + index + "个循环字段,第" + innerIndex + "个属性"; } }); service.doExport(); }
- 导出一个纵表(课程表之类的)
- @throws Exception */ @Test public void testTableExport() throws Exception { Sheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("testTableExport"); TableBean tableBean = new TableBean(3, 3); Collection cellBeans = new HashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { CellBean cellBean = new CellBean(i * 3 + j + "", i, j); cellBeans.add(cellBean); } } tableBean.setCellBeans(cellBeans); ExportTableService tableService = new ExportTableService(sheet, tableBean); tableService.doExport(); }
- 从List中入
- @throws Exception */ @Test public void testSimpleVoImport() throws Exception { testSimpleVoExport();//这一步仅仅是想得到一个已有的Excel,用户可以通过其他形式生成一个已有数据的workbook Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet("testSimpleVoExport"); ImportExcelService service = new ImportExcelService(SchoolCourse.class, sheet); service.addDic("KCLX", "1", "国家课程").addDic("KCLX", "2", "学校课程");//设置数据字典 List list = service.doImport(); System.out.println("成功导入:" + list.size() + "条数据"); }
- 从List,vo中还有简单循环节中导入
- @throws Exception */ @Test public void testVoHasListImport() throws Exception { testVoHasListExport();//这一步仅仅是想得到一个已有的Excel,用户可以通过其他形式生成一个已有数据的workbook Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet("testVoHasListExport"); ImportExcelService service = new ImportExcelService(SchoolCourse.class, sheet); service.addDic("KCLX", "1", "国家课程").addDic("KCLX", "2", "学校课程");//设置数据字典 List list = service.doImport(); System.out.println("成功导入:" + list.size() + "条数据"); }
- 从List,vo中还有复杂循环节中导入
- @throws Exception */ @Test public void testVoHasListVoImport() throws Exception { testVoHasListVoExport();//这一步仅仅是想得到一个已有的Excel,用户可以通过其他形式生成一个已有数据的workbook Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet("testVoHasListVoExport"); ImportExcelService service = new ImportExcelService(SchoolCourse.class, sheet); service.addDic("KCLX", "1", "国家课程").addDic("KCLX", "2", "学校课程");//设置数据字典 List list = service.doImport(); System.out.println("成功导入:" + list.size() + "条数据"); } }