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Chant 0.9.1

Gregorian chant scores.


How to install an extension

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How to show a Gregorian chant score

You can write a Gregorian chant score with GABC notation. GABC is a format that allows to write easily Gregorian music, even without a graphical editor. GregorBase is a huge library of public domain chants in GABC notation.

Insert the chant score with a code block. Wrap the data in ``` and add the language identifier chant.


A Gregorian chant score in GABC notation:

``` chant
name:Puer natus est;
book:Graduale Romanum, 1961, p. 33 & The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 408;
transcriber:Andrew Hinkley;
(c3) PU(ei)ER(i.) *() na(iji)tus(h) est(hhh) no(ih/ji)bis,(i.) (;) 
et(ei~) fí(iji)li(hg)us(f) da(hhi)tus(h) est(h) no(hihh)bis :(efe.) 
(:) cu(e)jus(f) im(h)pé(gi!jk)ri(ih)um(h.) (,) su(h)per(h) 
hú(ih/ji)me(h_g)rum(hhh) e(h_f/hghvG~F~)jus :(gf..) (:) et(hg) 
vo(h)cá(hji)bi(h)tur(hhh) no(h)men(hhh) e(highvG~F~)jus,(gf..) (;) 
ma(hj)gni(i) con(eh~)sí(h)li(hhh_f)i(f) An(fhf___!gwh)ge(efe___)lus.(e.) 
Ps.(::) Can(ehg)tá(hi)te(i) Dó(i)mi(i)no(i) cán(ik)ti(j)cum(j) 
no(ji)vum :(ij..) *(:) qui(ig)a(hi) mi(i)ra(i)bí(i!jwk)li(i')a(h) 
fe(hhh)cit.(fe..) (::) Gló(ehg)ri(hi)a(i) Pa(i)tri.(i) (::) 
E(i) u(i!jwk) o(i') u(h) a(hhh) e.(fe..) (::)


This extension includes exsurge by Matthew Spencer, currently maintained by Benjamin Bloomfield. Thank you for the good work.


Giovanni Salmeri. Get help.


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