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RanGenEncoding:How to run

GiorgosMethe edited this page Apr 14, 2015 · 1 revision

Random generative encoding

Command format: Command format: ./RanGenEncoding -f <fitnessType> -fp <fitnessPenaltyType> -t <type> -n <numberOfSimulations> -o <outputPath>

  • -o Output path of the resulted simulation, where you want to save them.
  • -f Check VoxSim documentation about this argument, the same fitness function applies here as well.
  • -fp Check VoxSim documentation about this argument, the same fitness penalty function applies here as well.
  • -t Type of the simulation, currently two types, 0,1.
  • Type 0: start from a random point on the floor, and add a voxel there. Next, choose random one already inserted voxel and connect to it a new voxel of the same or different material. Continue.
  • Type 1: same as the previous but constructs softbot only in the half bounding box, next whatever has been built will be mirrored to the other side.
  • -n Number of softbots you want to be created