Fullstack web app (React, Express, NodeJS) providing a persistent search engine for searching any word from any type of text file(small or big file). It comprises two parts, a web-based user interface(using ReactJs) and a server component(using NodeJS) that exposes a REST API that provides search results retrieved from a corpus of text.
- Fully Responsive web design
- Efficent search engine
- Display 3 most similiar words as you start typing in input field
- Functionality to remove words from furthur search results
To run this project locally, you need to first clone this repo into your choice of IDE(recommended VS code).
Open first terminal in your IDE(VS code) and run below commands :
cd search-engine
npm install
npm start
Open second terminal in your IDE(VS code) and run below commands :
cd search-engine/api/
npm install
npm start