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BrightPaul edited this page Aug 24, 2013 · 8 revisions


This plugin provides you with some tools to easily host a tournament. There are different modes based on your config.

The plugin disables the vanilla balance mode, so you can set up any teams you want.

Nomal Mode:

Players are free to join any team they want and game will only start when all players are ready by the sh_ready command.

Captain Mode:

Only captains can join teams and are able to choose their teammates with sh_choose from the ready room. Also the game starts when all connected captains are ready.


Teams stay the same and players are unable to use F4. You can reset teams with sh_clearteams


All given modes are temporarily disabled and players can play as usual. Also the NS2Stats-Plugin is disabled while Warmup is running

Default Config

The default config looks something like this:

    "CaptainMode": false, 
    "Captains": [ "90000001" : true , "123456789": true],
    "Warmup": false, 
    "Warmuptime": 5,  
    "ForceTeams": false, 
    "Teams": [],

The file should be called “Tournament.json” and should be placed in the directory defined as your plugin config directory (default is config://shine/plugins).

Config Options

Option Description
CaptainMode If true, then the Captainmode is used
Captains ns2ids of people who should be Captains when Captainmode is enabled
Warmup Should there be a warmup round with every mapchange.
Warmuptime Time in minutes the warmup round is running.
ForceTeams If true then the players will be forced into given teams.
Teams Used by the plugin itself normally you shouldn’t change anything here


Command Chat Command Arguments Description
sh_ready !rdy or !ready N/A Set player to be ready.
sh_startwarmup !startwarmup N/A Starts the warmup round.
sh_endwarmup !endwarmup N/A Ends the warmup round
sh_choose !choose <player> Choose the given player for the team as captain.
sh_clearteams !clearteams N/A Resets teams in config

All players have access to sh_ready

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