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Person8880 edited this page Jan 3, 2013 · 22 revisions


Shine’s user system can be configured to either take users from a local file or from a remote URL. See the base config page for information on how to set up web users.


The default Shine user config file will look something like this:

    "Groups": {
      "SuperAdmin": {
        "IsBlacklist": true,
        "Immunity": 100,
        "Commands": [  ]
      "Admin": {
        "IsBlacklist": false,
        "Immunity": 50,
        "Commands": [ "sh_kick", "sh_ban" ]
      "Mod": {
        "IsBlacklist": false,
        "Immunity": 10,
        "Commands": [ "sh_kick" ]
    "Users": {
      "90000000000001": {
        "Group": "Mod",
        "Immunity": 2

If you are getting this file locally, it should be called “UserConfig.json” and be under config://shine/UserConfig.json. If you are getting it remotely, the name is not important.

Group setup

The groups table is indexed by group names, so if you wish to make a new group called “Member”, then you would add:

"Member": {
    "IsBlacklist": false,
    "Immunity": 5,
    "Commands": [ "sh_kick" ]

to the “Groups” table.

Option Description
IsBlacklist Sets whether the commands list is a list of commands the group cannot run.
Commands Adding commands here will either allow or disallow the group from using them, depending on the IsBlacklist setting.
Immunity Sets the groups immunity level. Higher immunity levels are immune to lower levels.

User setup

The users table is indexed by Steam ID (the ingame Steam ID number, not STEAM_0:0:X).

To add a user with Steam ID “123456” to the admin group, you would add:

"123456": {
    "Group": "Admin"

to the “Users” table.

Option Description
Group Sets the user’s group.
Immunity Overrides the groups immunity level for this user.

Special access commands

Some plugins specify commands that aren’t actually commands but instead grant access or immunity to features. These should be added in the same way as normal commands to groups.

Command Description
sh_seelogechos Sets whether a group can see when others use commands (printed to their console).
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