Impala Custom UDAF functions :Support for multi columns distinct count
When you use low version impala to distinct count different columns like "select count(distinct column1),count(distinct column2) from ...", the following error will appear "errorMessage:AnalysisException: all DISTINCT aggregate functions need to have the same set of parameters as ...".So I develop this udaf distinct_count to solve this problem.
For example, there is a Impala table tb1 like this:
column1 | column2 | column3 |
abc | ADE | 234 |
abc | CDF | 445 |
abc | ADE | 237 |
abc | CDF | 445 |
You can query with distinct_count() function : select distinct_count(column1),distinct_count(column2),distinct_count(column3) from tb1 the result is :
1 | 2 | 3 |
This udaf distinct_count depends on impala-udf-devel
You should get udf-internal.h,udf.h, from impala-udf-devel and compile with sources.
The target file is
Put to hdfs path and execute the sql in impala :
create aggregate function distinct_count(string) returns string location 'hdfs://xxx/user/impala/udf/' update_fn='DistinctCountUpdate';
Then you can use this function.