Search engine sitemaps.xml for Optimizely CMS 12 and Commerce 14
This tool allows you to generate xml sitemaps for search engines to better index your Optimizely sites.
- sitemap generation as a scheduled job
- filtering pages by virtual directories
- ability to include pages that are in a different branch than the one of the start page
- ability to generate sitemaps for mobile pages
- it also supports multi-site and multi-language environments
- ability to augment URL generation
See the editor guide for more information.
The command below will install Sitemaps into your Optimizely project.
dotnet add package Geta.Optimizely.Sitemaps
The command below will install Sitemaps Commerce support into your Optimizely Commerce project.
dotnet add package Geta.Optimizely.Sitemaps.Commerce
For the Sitemaps to work, you have to call AddSitemaps extension method in Startup.ConfigureServices method. This method provides a configuration of default values. Below is a code with all possible configuration options:
services.AddSitemaps(x =>
x.EnableLanguageDropDownInAdmin = false;
x.EnableRealtimeCaching = true;
x.EnableRealtimeSitemap = false;
You can configure access to the sitemaps configuration tab by adding a custom policy (the default is WebAdmins):
services.AddSitemaps(x =>
x.EnableLanguageDropDownInAdmin = false;
x.EnableRealtimeCaching = true;
x.EnableRealtimeSitemap = false;
}, p => p.RequireRole(Roles.Administrators));
And for the Commerce support add a call to:
In order to augment Urls for a given set of content one must prepare to build a service that identifies content to be augmented and yields augmented Uris from IUriAugmenterService.GetAugmentUris(IContent content, CurrentLanguageContent languageContentInfo, Uri fullUri) method.
- Create a service that implements IUriAugmenterService yielding multiple Uris per single input content/language/Uri..
- Ensure the services is set, overring the default service, within the optionsAction of AddSitemaps. For example:
services.AddSitemaps(options =>
It is also possible to configure the application in appsettings.json
file. A configuration from the appsettings.json
will override configuration configured in Startup. Below is an appsettings.json
configuration example.
"Geta": {
"Sitemaps": {
"EnableLanguageDropDownInAdmin": true
Also, you have to add Razor pages routing support.
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
Credits to jarihaa for contributing this.
public virtual string SEOSitemaps { get; set; }
public override void SetDefaultValues(ContentType contentType)
var sitemap = new PropertySEOSitemaps
Enabled = false
this.SEOSitemaps = sitemap.ToString();
Implement the IExcludeFromSitemap
interface to ignore page types in the sitemap.
public class OrderConfirmationPage : PageData, IExcludeFromSitemap
If you need more control to exclude content from the sitemap you can make your own implementation of IContentFilter. Make sure to inherit from ContentFilter and call the ShouldExcludeContent
method of the base class.
public class SiteContentFilter : ContentFilter
public override bool ShouldExcludeContent(IContent content)
if (base.ShouldExcludeContent(content))
return true;
// Custom logic here
return false;
Register in your DI container. Be sure to register you custom ContentFilter after calling services.AddSitemaps()
, otherwise the default ContentFilter will be used.
services.AddTransient<IContentFilter, SiteContentFilter>();
- Each sitemap will contain max 50k entries (according to protocol) so if the site in which you are using this plugin contains more active pages then you should split them over multiple sitemaps (by specifying a different root page or include/avoid paths for each).
Ensure your system is properly configured to meet all prerequisites for Geta Foundation Core listed here
git clone
cd geta-optimizely-sitemaps
git submodule update --init
# Windows
cd sub/geta-foundation-core/src/Foundation.AppHost
dotnet run
# Linux / MacOS
sudo env "PATH=$PATH" bash
chmod +x sub/geta-foundation-core/src/Foundation/docker/build-script/*.sh
cd sub/geta-foundation-core/src/Foundation.AppHost
dotnet run
# Windows
cd sub/geta-foundation-core
cd ../../src/Geta.Optimizely.Sitemaps.Web
dotnet run
# Linux / MacOS
sudo env "PATH=$PATH" bash
cd sub/geta-foundation-core
chmod +x *.sh
cd ../../src/Geta.Optimizely.Sitemaps.Web
dotnet run
If you run into any issues, check the FAQ section here
CMS username:
Password: Episerver123!