Personal C++ project for practising various OOP principles, sorting algorithms, data structures and more
Current Tasks:
- Receive items from text file and add them to 2D static array
- Layer 1: contains categories of items
- Layer 2: contains items for each category
Item Categories:
- ALL (buy price, bid price, print, type)
- Swords (+ damage) 0
- Armor (+ defense) 4
- Axes (+damage) 1
- Helmets (+defense) 5
- Shields (+defense) 6
- Handguns (+dps, rof) 2
- Bombs (+damage, charge time) 3
- Costumes(+color) 7
- Accessories(+color) 8
Sort items by:
- Price (low to high, high to low)
- Bid Price
- Alphabetical order (A-Z, Z-A)
- Name ID
- Money
- Inventory sorted similarly to auction house