v2.2.0 (2022-12-07)
- New feature: ability to import resources from existing NIOS objects
- New Data sources:
- infoblox_aaaa_record
- infoblox_ptr_record
- infoblox_network_view
- infoblox_ipv4_network_container
- Allocation/Association resources have been reworked
- Examples are reorganized
- Numerous bugfixes
v2.1.0 (2022-02-10)
- Moved to Terraform Plugin SDK v2
- Allocation/Association resources reworked:
- new resources added: infoblox_ip_allocation and infoblox_ip_association; both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses may be allocated within a single resource in one go.
- infoblox_ipv4_allocation, infoblox_ipv6_allocation, infoblox_ipv4_association and infoblox_ipv6_association are deprecated and unsupported from now on.
- Improvements in infoblox_ipv4_network and infoblox_ipv6_network resources: IP address reservation reworked.
- Numerous bugfixes
v2.0.1 (2021-07-27)
List of changes since 1.0.6 release:
- Existing resources have been changed:
- Extensible attributes and comments are introduced
- Some fields are removed, use Extensible Attributes instead.
- IPv6 version of resources added
- New resources:
- Network container (infoblox_ipv4_network_container, infoblox_ipv6_network_container)
- Network view (infoblox_network_view)
- AAAA-record (infoblox_aaa_record)
- Data sources: extensible attributes and comments are introduced
- infoblox_a_record
- infoblox_cname_record
- infoblox_ipv4_network
- New features:
- IP address auto-allocation feature
- Ability to update a resource, in addition to 'create', 'read' and 'delete' operations.
- All the resources have 'comment' and 'ext_attrs' fields.
- DNS-related fields have 'ttl' field. TTL=0 means TTL inherited from the parent zone.
- Examples of how to integrate with different cloud environments
v1.1.1 (2021-04-23)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- Feature request: ability to change extended attributes #77
- Commit changes? #69
- DHCP Host records won't store in state #68
- Terraform Provider Development Program - Second Review #66
- Passing credentials without using environment variables #65
- inconsistent vendoring #59
- make build fails #34
- Error accessing infoblox thru https proxy #28
Merged pull requests:
- Remove old release workflow #111 (cgroschupp)
- Display travis build status of master and develop branch #109 (somashekhar)
- Add provider to terraform registry #107 (cgroschupp)
- Revert "doc change" #91 (somashekhar)
- doc change #90 (somashekhar)
- doc change #85 (somashekhar)
- Example NIOS and AWS/VMWare/Azure tf files to support Next Available Network and DNS/DHCP Records support for AWS. #84 (somashekhar)
- Check that parent exists before network allocation. #83 (AliaksandrDziarkach)
- Migration from terraform providers to our own repository #78 (AvRajath)
v1.0.6 (2021-04-23)
v1.0.5 (2020-05-15)
v1.0.4 (2020-05-15)
v1.0.3 (2020-05-15)
Closed issues:
- Are you able to make releases through CI? #33
v1.0.2 (2020-05-14)
Closed issues:
- a_record generated with duplicate domain name #71
- Error creating A Record from network block #62
- Too many errors #61
- Resource: infoblox_cname_record by default appending zone information to alias record #60
- Improved documentation #55
- terraform doesn't change a HostRecord name when the vm_name is changed in the block, only the EA vm_name is changed, not the actual name #54
- Add HostRecord function #53
- terraform doesn't like it when a managed IP gets removed from infoblox by hand #52
- infoblox_ip_association causing crash #49
- infoblox_ip_allocation fails - doesn't know what to do with vm_name field #48
- Terraform Provider Development Program - Review #45
- "stock" go make build fails #43
- API error #32
- Official terraform provider status #30
- Does this provider work with Terraform 0.12.1 #29
- Tenant ID Parameter? #21
- Error using your Terraform provider to access Infoblox api #20
Merged pull requests:
- New datasource infoblox network #74 (pearcec)
- Delete Network View fix issue #57 #73 (pearcec)
- Leverage Github Actions for Building, Tagging, and Releasing the provider #70 (NickLarsenNZ)
- Modify CNAME resource create function to remove zone #64 (elangoganesan)
- Updated Readme for use case without CNA license #63 (AvRajath)
- Terraform review program #47 (saiprasannasastry)
- merge conflicts #46 (saiprasannasastry)
- Moving to go mod and bumping terraform version #42 (saiprasannasastry)
v1.0.1 (2019-09-05)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix build #39 (mikecook)
- Dsbrng25b remove license check #38 (saiprasannasastry)
- Addressing some internal QA bugs #37 (saiprasannasastry)
- Remove license check entirely #36 (dvob)
v1.0.0 (2019-08-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Support for CNAME or A Records #22
Closed issues:
- Error on plan #26
Merged pull requests:
- CHANGELOG.md updated to v1.0.0 #35 (jkraj)
- Minor readability changes to README.md #31 (scottsuch)
- This commit contains entire DNS changes #25 (saiprasannasastry)
- This commit contains patch to rebase issue #19 (saiprasannasastry)
- Update README.md #18 (saiprasannasastry)
- Example #17 (saiprasannasastry)
- Update README.md #16 (saiprasannasastry)
- Added block of code to reserve n number of IP's #14 (saiprasannasastry)
- Added an example tf for Vmware Vshpere #12 (saiprasannasastry)
- UT's for Infoblox-Provider #11 (saiprasannasastry)
- This commit contains a new resource IPAssociation #10 (saiprasannasastry)
- Validation of Cloud License #8 (saiprasannasastry)
- Validation of gateway ip existence #5 (saiprasannasastry)
- Modified makefile to build and gofmtcheck #3 (jkraj)
- Support for network and ip allocation #1 (saiprasannasastry)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator] (https://github.com/github-changelog-generator/github-changelog-generator)