i started to install all of this using the following environment:
WSL 2 under Win10, using Ubuntu LTS 20.4
$ ~/lhTest$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 9.2.5
$ ~/lhTest$ stack --version
Version 2.9.1, Git revision 409d56031b4240221d656db09b2ba476fe6bb5b1 x86_64 hpack-0.35.0
$ ~/lhTest$ ghcup --version
The GHCup Haskell installer, version v0.1.18.0
$ ~/lhTest$ code --version
follow the guide: https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/install_and_upgrade/
curl -sSL https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh -s - -f
add repositories:
$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 575159689BEFB442
$ echo 'deb http://download.fpcomplete.com/ubuntu focal main'|sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/fpco.list
and install z3
$ sudo apt install z3
Then, when installed, you can download the repo from Github
$ git clone git@github.com:Genlight/lhTest.git
and do a stack build
. This should install all dependencies for you. Then, you should see also the LiquidHaskell checks and the output at the end, like this:
master@Dell:~/lhTest$ stack build
lhTest> build (lib)
Preprocessing library for lhTest-
Building library for lhTest-
[1 of 1] Compiling WAVL
**** LIQUID: UNSAFE ************************************************************
/home/master/lhTest/src/WAVL.hs:197:37: error:
Liquid Type Mismatch
install VS code from the official page.
I use the following extensions for my LiquidHaskell workspace:
$ code --list-extensions
Extensions installed on WSL: Ubuntu-20.04:
How to install extensions is explained here
In one of my debugging session I tested the hypothesis that LH needs to be updated to the newest (experimental) version at that time. That was v0.9.0.2.
To load this GHC plugin into my stack environment I only changed the repo commit ID's of LH and liquid-fixpoint to the respective newer versions and also changed the lts-resolver to the newer GHC version. In all, the changes that mattered were in stack.yaml, s. commit 628b453.
- changed GHC version to 9.4.7
- updated
files to support this. - Updated commit hashes for
- bumped hashtable to work with the other dependencies