- 🌱 I’m currently doing MSc in AI & Data Science at Mohamed VI Polytechnic University
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate with geeky minds
- 🥅 Goals: I just want to sleep less stupid than I woke up
- 📫 My Blog: genereux-akotenou.github.io
BankReviewIntelligence: Is a data-as-a-product platform that provides in-depth analytics and decision-making support based on customer reviews of banks.
Machine learning models for classifying DNA sequences in plant genomes into different gene families involves several key steps. The goal is to replace the high computational approach of assigning g…
Jupyter Notebook
Content: Random Variable simulation - Optimization Algorithm - Stachastic Optimization - Prog Linear modeling - Database Mongo - Dynamic Programing - Parallel Computing - Linear Algebra - Deep lear…
Jupyter Notebook
Content: Predictive models for stock market movements using two distinct regression approaches: Simple Regression and Bayesian Regression based on Apple stock price data obtained from Yahoo Finance…
Jupyter Notebook