Demo: -
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Tech Used: - Azure QnA Maker, Azure Bot Service, VS code, Azure Static website
About Project : -
Deploying a Azure chat bot which will be very smart enough to provide the proper and clear idea for travelling more focused towards tribal tourism. It can help to provide the better suggestion to travelers. The azure bot can be than further be trained and can be connected to the database of the travel list and booking sites. This can create a smooth experience for the professional and non professional traveler from the home to the destination and back.
The need or the problem which can be solved are : -
- Economic independence through the tourism to local and tribal people. The tourist will visit those unexplored and tribal places. Stay there spends money on the local crafts and arts. This will create a better living lifestyle for the trial and local people.
- Preserving and promotion of the culture through the tourism. Since the old tribes and culture are getting vanished, the tourism to those places will help to maintain the root tribal culture and history of India.
- Adventure and unexplored places for the tourist will open more interest of travel enthusiast to visit and enjoy. Tourism in India is an important for the country's economy and is growing rapidly. Millions of rupees of the revenne is generated from the tourism and tourist. Other important fact is India's tribes, culture and history.
If these dots connected with the Internet and azure services there will generation of revenue and development to tribal people along with maintaining prehistoric rituals, customs and culture even in today's modern world.