What's Changed
- Add composer.json. by @mauteri in #2
- GP-4: Started moving React components to functional blocks; lots and … by @mauteri in #5
- Feature/gp 6 by @mauteri in #7
- Feature/gp 8 by @mauteri in #9
- GP-11: Add count to attendance navigation. by @mauteri in #12
- GP-11: Small fix to default status. by @mauteri in #13
- GP-11: Fix default navigation so it is attending. by @mauteri in #14
- GP-11: Fix to attendance navigation. by @mauteri in #15
- GP-19: Remove autoloader. by @mauteri in #21
- GS-19: Revert autoloader change and fix code. by @mauteri in #23
- GP-24: Started work on Future Events block. by @mauteri in #25
- GP-24: More work on upcoming events and started past events. Need to … by @mauteri in #26
- GP-27: Small clean up: set node to version 14 and rebuilt/fixed assets. by @mauteri in #28
- Feature/gp 29 by @mauteri in #30
- Feature/gp 31 by @mauteri in #33
- GP-18: Disable Attendance Selector if not logged in or event has past. by @mauteri in #34
- GP-31: Added more settings and hooked up role language. by @mauteri in #35
- GP-31: Hooked up attendance language to JavaScript. by @mauteri in #36
- Move GP Settings under Events Admin Menu by @pbrocks in #49
- PHP8 wants integer, not boolean by @pbrocks in #48
- Bump tmpl from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 in /assets by @dependabot in #53
- Bump ws from 5.2.2 to 5.2.3 in /assets by @dependabot in #52
- Bump axios from 0.21.1 to 0.21.2 in /assets by @dependabot in #51
- Bump node-sass from 4.14.1 to 7.0.0 in /assets by @dependabot in #56
- Bump ajv from 6.12.0 to 6.12.6 in /assets by @dependabot in #55
- Webpack cleanup. by @mauteri in #57
- Updates per Dependabot. by @mauteri in #58
- Remove packages. by @mauteri in #59
- GP-40: Text fix. by @mauteri in #60
- Integrate with pmc-unit-test package by @hauvong in #62
- Start fixing unit tests. by @mauteri in #63
- Feature/gp 41 by @mauteri in #64
- GP-41: Small styling updates. by @mauteri in #65
- Feature/gp 45 by @mauteri in #66
- Feature/gp 16 by @mauteri in #73
- GP-71: Change table name and fix test. by @mauteri in #74
- GP-67: Remove language section and make adjustments. Put GatherPress … by @mauteri in #75
- GP-78: Update logo to nametag dashicon for GatherPress. by @mauteri in #79
- Feature/gp 69 by @mauteri in #87
- GP-69: API fixes. by @mauteri in #90
- Feature/gp91 wp-env setup by @pbrocks in #95
- GP-96: Put GP Settings under Events rather than Settings. by @mauteri in #97
- Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 in /assets by @dependabot in #94
- Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 in /assets by @dependabot in #93
- Bump node-forge from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0 in /assets by @dependabot in #92
- Feature/circleci by @mauteri in #98
- GP-72: Added styling and functionality adjustments to Ateendance List… by @mauteri in #89
- Feature/gp 88 by @mauteri in #101
- Feature/gp 88 by @mauteri in #106
- Feature/gp 88 by @mauteri in #107
- GP-102: Created Event List block which replaces Upcoming Events and P… by @mauteri in #108
- Small refactor. by @mauteri in #109
- GP-102: Block cleanup. by @mauteri in #110
- GP-100: Added Topic taxonomy to Events. by @mauteri in #111
- Added unit tests and update save_datetime method to no longer be static. by @mauteri in #113
- GP-100: Bug fixes. by @mauteri in #114
- Add JS lint to circleci. by @mauteri in #115
- Bump terser from 5.14.1 to 5.14.2 in /assets by @dependabot in #119
- Feature/gp 120 by @mauteri in #122
- GP-112: Add Topic to Event List block. by @mauteri in #123
- Feature/gp 61 by @mauteri in #127
- GP-99: Added generate creds script and credit display. by @mauteri in #128
- Bug fix. Default event in event list block was object vs array so map… by @mauteri in #129
- Bump moment-timezone from 0.5.34 to 0.5.37 in /assets by @dependabot in #134
- Feature/gp 81 by @mauteri in #132
- Added autoloader class. Slight cleanup. by @mauteri in #138
- Fix to autoloader for windows and mac. by @mauteri in #141
- Include windows return val in check for validity by @phoopee3 in #144
- Feature/gp 77 by @mauteri in #143
- Fix venue from producing auto drafts terms in taxonomy. by @mauteri in #145
- GP-137: Started work on Venue block for events. by @mauteri in #147
- GP-142: Started work on Add to calendar block. by @mauteri in #149
- GP-151: Fix venue selection. by @mauteri in #154
- Event list toggles by @jmarx in #153
- Bump to version 0.9 by @mauteri in #156
- Update class-setup.php by @pbrocks in #158
- Fix pipelines. by @mauteri in #159
- fix typo by @pbrocks in #162
- Feature/add2cal block json by @pbrocks in #163
- Feature/add json 2 event date by @pbrocks in #164
- Feature/gp 76 by @mauteri in #161
- Remove restrictions on permalinks by @pbrocks in #167
- Fix a couple of bugs by @jmarx in #170
- Flush is needed on Fresh Install by @pbrocks in #168
- Fix pipeline issue. by @mauteri in #171
- Move dot files from assets/ to root. by @mauteri in #173
- New version formatting. by @mauteri in #174
- Feature/155 display venue name by @jmarx in #166
- PHPCS fixes. by @mauteri in #175
- Bump loader-utils from 2.0.2 to 2.0.4 by @dependabot in #185
- GP-182: Start setup for Github Actions. by @mauteri in #183
- Small cleanup. by @mauteri in #186
- Update NodeJS. by @mauteri in #187
- GP-188: Adjustment to messaging when attending event. by @mauteri in #189
- SonarCloud fixes. by @mauteri in #193
- Setup code coverage in sonarcloud. by @mauteri in #194
- Added coverage configs. by @mauteri in #195
- Add includes directory and restructure; update autoloader. by @mauteri in #197
- Use tomorrow's date by @pbrocks in #198
- GP-116: Added archive page configurations for past and upcoming events. by @mauteri in #192
- GP-190: Fix get_formatted_datetime bug. Passing null gets the date th… by @mauteri in #191
- Feature/199 wp head by @jmarx in #201
- Limiting refactor to blocks per Paul's original PR. by @mauteri in #205
- Fix block wrapping. by @mauteri in #211
- Adjustments to block classes and cleanup. by @mauteri in #212
- Remove React where we can. by @mauteri in #213
- Add notice if timezone not set by @pbrocks in #214
- GP-150: Refactor datetime panel. by @mauteri in #215
- Create unique icons by @pbrocks in #217
- No Ticket: Use dashicon for venue span by @jmarx in #180
- Feature/select event date or post date gp 112 by @pbrocks in #218
- Feature/gp112 show date start by @mauteri in #221
- Checkbox checked on activation by @pbrocks in #220
- open panel to set settings by @pbrocks in #223
- limit blocks by @pbrocks in #208
- Feature/limit event venue blocks -- Issue 207 by @pbrocks in #225
- Unregister blocks cleanup and refactor. by @mauteri in #228
- Testing sonar. by @mauteri in #216
- Try if condition in GH Action, not sure will work. by @mauteri in #229
- Fix admin errors. by @mauteri in #231
- Feature/temp fix venue by @pbrocks in #230
- Adding Map with less settings by @pbrocks in #232
- Bump version and update packages. by @mauteri in #233
- Update package.json by @pbrocks in #235
- Bug/gp 150 2 by @mauteri in #224
- Feature/venue maps gp81v2 by @pbrocks in #240
- Feature/venue info map gp81v2.1 by @pbrocks in #227
- Feature/venue info map gp81v2.1 new UI by @jmarx in #242
- GP-237: Added datetime controls to event date block. by @mauteri in #239
- adjust the output by @pbrocks in #244
- Adding toggle for maps by @pbrocks in #245
- GP-237: Fix datetime display: issue was how GMT was saving, required … by @mauteri in #246
- Added more unit tests to class-utility.php. by @mauteri in #248
- Change code coverage ignore format on exit. by @mauteri in #249
- Change code coverage ignore format on exit. by @mauteri in #250
- Change code coverage ignore format on exit. by @mauteri in #251
- Enqueue dashicons on frontend. by @mauteri in #253
- disambiguate showMap variable by @pbrocks in #247
- flex-start by @pbrocks in #254
- Added unit test to event creation. by @mauteri in #255
- Feature/238 rename venue event venue by @pbrocks in #257
- Fix venues to use slugs instead of ids. ids will c… by @mauteri in #256
- Added more unit tests. by @mauteri in #258
- Fix Event List block. Venue is messed up. by @mauteri in #259
- More fixes to Event List block. by @mauteri in #260
- Adjustments to Venue blocks by @mauteri in #261
- Fix for minor errors: 1. Null coalesce, 2. Title and category in index.js by @pbrocks in #262
- Fix venue title error. by @mauteri in #263
- Feature/fix venue post type by @mauteri in #264
- Add Settings signpost to Plugin Actions by @pbrocks in #267
- Feature/gp238 venue selector added to block sidebar by @mauteri in #268
- Added paragraph block for description with placeholder text. by @mauteri in #270
- Update node and packages. by @mauteri in #272
- Remove Guests feature from MVP by @mauteri in #265
- Documentation updates. by @mauteri in #273
- Update GatherPress media filenames by @mauteri in #274
- Changed php version in the doc block and phpunit.yml file. by @bluecollarcoders in #277
- Feature/gp 82 by @mauteri in #275
- Ticket 276: Added PHP 8.1, 8.2, to PHP version Matrix in GH Actions. by @bluecollarcoders in #279
- Feature/version 0.17.0 by @mauteri in #280
- Add credits for version 0.17.0 by @mauteri in #281
- Small fixes for 0.17.1. by @mauteri in #284
- Added unit tests for Venue; Code updates. by @mauteri in #285
- Refactor test classes and methods by @mauteri in #287
- Fix formatting and typo in PHP files and settings.The changes include… by @mauteri in #288
- Refactor unregister_blocks method, add tests by @mauteri in #289
- Update regex comment. by @mauteri in #290
- Refactor Settings class tests & methods by @mauteri in #291
- Refactor and add unit tests for Rest_Api and Setup classes by @mauteri in #292
- Refactor Query class method and add unit tests by @mauteri in #293
- Refactor get_upcoming_events and get_past_events by @mauteri in #294
- Refactor unnecessary test query pre_get_posts covers by @mauteri in #295
- Remove wp-tests installation script by @mauteri in #296
- Refactor test method names and add tests by @mauteri in #297
- Refactor attendees method and add test coverage by @mauteri in #298
- Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 by @dependabot in #299
- Update version number and add online event asset by @mauteri in #304
- Added flow for login on attednd block. by @mauteri in #306
- Fix 403 issue on events-list API calls by not caching nonce. by @mauteri in #307
- Fix small bugs on blocks. by @mauteri in #308
- Small fixes. by @mauteri in #309
- Email members functionality. by @mauteri in #283
- Update UI of Attendance Selector block. by @mauteri in #312
- Add venue filter by @jmarx in #310
- Fix some small bugs while testing. by @mauteri in #314
- Add show/hide functionality for venue event option by @jmarx in #318
- Ticket #317: REMOVE Roles other than Organizer. by @bluecollarcoders in #319
- Refactor settings sub page filter and add GP prefix by @mauteri in #322
- Started refactoring panel and adding online meta field to panel. by @mauteri in #316
- Update version to 0.21.0 by @mauteri in #324
- Jmarx 302 add term by @mauteri in #325
- Add venue location for all calendar methods by @mauteri in #326
- Rename attendees table to rsvps by @mauteri in #327
- Change Attendance to RSVP in blocks, components, endpoints, etc by @mauteri in #328
- Update version to 0.22.0 by @mauteri in #329
- Fix online event link state based on RSVP. by @mauteri in #331
- Added cover to prevent interacting with blocks in edit mode. by @mauteri in #332
- Fix Accessibility and UI issues on Settings page. by @mauteri in #333
- Fix issues with online event meta. by @mauteri in #334
- Started venue refactor. by @mauteri in #335
- Refactor block registration to use blocks directory by @mauteri in #336
- Updating document standards and adding unit tests. by @mauteri in #337
- Update php unit test command to generate HTML code coverage report by @jmarx in #340
- WIP: Unit test get_venue_meta method by @jmarx in #341
- Update class-rsvp.php by @pbrocks in #342
- Document updates. by @mauteri in #338
- Remove code. by @mauteri in #343
- Add DATETIME_FORMAT constant to Event class by @mauteri in #344
- Update class-event.php by @pbrocks in #345
- Add get_calendar_description method to Event class by @mauteri in #346
- Refactor REST API routes into smaller methods by @mauteri in #347
- Add coverage for register_endpoints method by @mauteri in #348
- Update dependencies and version, add Rest API tests by @mauteri in #349
- Feature/mauteri updates by @mauteri in #350
- Added more unit tests to venue and added some code coverage ignore. by @mauteri in #351
- Added more unit tests to rest api and added datetime_end to events li… by @mauteri in #352
- Add test case for updating RSVP status by @mauteri in #353
- Added more unit tests to event class. by @mauteri in #354
- Feature/mauteri updates by @mauteri in #355
- Added more tests for setup. by @mauteri in #356
- Refactor custom post type and taxonomy registration by @mauteri in #357
- Remove underscore attached to venue taxonomy that is no longer needed by @jmarx in #361
- Jmarx unit tests testing branch wip by @jmarx in #339
- Feature/mauteri updates by @mauteri in #362
- Added tests to assets class; small refactor. by @mauteri in #363
- Eating some low hanging fruit by @jmarx in #364
- Add test coverage for add_online_event_term method by @mauteri in #365
- GP-300: Use fetch instead of apiFetch on events list endpoint. by @mauteri in #367
- Rename attendees to responses and attendee to response where it makes… by @mauteri in #372
- Fix logged in issue of now being able to interact with RSVP block. by @mauteri in #373
- Fix issues with REST API endpoints. by @mauteri in #374
- Change event and venue slug to singular by @mauteri in #375
- Rename Query class to Event_Query class by @mauteri in #376
- Refactor Event_Query to simplify conditional by @mauteri in #379
- Refactor date and time range components into a single component named… by @mauteri in #383
- Update GatherPress settings display and management by @mauteri in #385
- Fix link target attribute in credits page by @mauteri in #386
- Added unit tests for Leadership class. by @mauteri in #387
- Add unit tests for GatherPress\Core\Settings by @mauteri in #388
- Sort contributors alphabetically in CLI credits list by @mauteri in #389
- Update version to 0.23.3 by @mauteri in #390
- Update settings asset and Autocomplete component by @mauteri in #392
- Update event email communication wording by @mauteri in #393
- Update email communication modal checkboxes by @mauteri in #395
- Add fallback for empty user display name by @mauteri in #396
- WIP: Test/sers can register test by @jmarx in #384
- Update class-settings.php by @pbrocks in #371
- Add admin_style asset and enqueue it by @mauteri in #398
- Update version to 0.24.0 in code and docs by @mauteri in #399
- Reorder toggles by @jmarx in #402
- Hide map settings when online event is selected by @jmarx in #403
- Update version to 0.24.1 by @mauteri in #404
- Started refactor of RSVP Response. by @mauteri in #405
- Update version to 0.25.0 and update contributors by @mauteri in #407
- Mauteri updates by @mauteri in #408
- Exclude additional files for code coverage by @mauteri in #409
- Fix line breaks. by @mauteri in #410
- Mauteri updates by @mauteri in #411
- Refactor event query and test get_events_list method by @mauteri in #412
- GP-413: Add z-index to React Modal as some themes have strange stacki… by @mauteri in #415
- Bump postcss from 8.4.24 to 8.4.31 by @dependabot in #416
- Bump @babel/traverse from 7.22.5 to 7.23.2 by @dependabot in #417
- Feature/mauteri small fix by @mauteri in #418
- Fix fatal error on PHP 7.4 and Base setting class. by @mauteri in #422
- Register taxonomies when adding an online event term by @jmarx in #423
- Bump GatherPress version to 0.25.3 by @mauteri in #424
- Restructure test directories. by @mauteri in #426
- Gather press event by @mauteri in #430
- Gatherpress playwright setup by @prashantabellad in #427
- Only show Online event link when event is happening. by @mauteri in #431
- Added tooltip feature and tooltip to Online event block. by @mauteri in #433
- Bump version. by @mauteri in #434
- Small fix. by @mauteri in #436
- config: set retries to 2 for playwright tests by @prashantabellad in #437
- Added offset to event started and event past methods. by @mauteri in #444
- Added format setting and preview. Small cleanup. by @mauteri in #442
- i18n + l10n to fr_FR by @patriciabt in #447
- Gp 406 by @mauteri in #450
- Clean up work to remove old breaking changes. by @mauteri in #448
- Patriciabt by @mauteri in #451
- i18n load textdomain and language files by @patriciabt in #449
- Bump axios and @wordpress/scripts by @dependabot in #452
- Update scripts. by @mauteri in #453
- Added Jest Unit Tests and GH Action to run them. by @mauteri in #454
- Fix E2E config. by @mauteri in #455
- Fixes to JS. by @mauteri in #456
- Mauteri updates 4 by @mauteri in #457
- test files for Venue category of gatherpress by @Prayag11 in #439
- Added more tests. by @mauteri in #458
- Mauteri updates 4 by @mauteri in #459
- Added more unit tests. by @mauteri in #460
- Fix empty argument tests. by @mauteri in #461
- Mauteri updates 4 by @mauteri in #462
- Added more tests. by @mauteri in #463
- Add rest_base to post types so API endpoint is plural (matches posts … by @mauteri in #464
- Update to Broadcaster and Listener, added tests. by @mauteri in #465
- Added tests for EditCover component. by @mauteri in #466
- Added tests for OnlineEvent component. by @mauteri in #467
- Updates and fixes. by @mauteri in #468
- Added unit test for CLI script. by @mauteri in #469
- Updated RSVP unit tests and small adjustments to code. by @mauteri in #470
- Remove group. by @mauteri in #471
- Change codeCoverageIgnore. by @mauteri in #472
- Add missing strings by @patriciabt in #474
- Fix translation files from loading in JavaScript. by @mauteri in #475
- Fix settings translations, slight refactor of settings. Updated tests. by @mauteri in #476
- Fix hasEventPast function when timezone changes. by @mauteri in #477
- Added test. by @mauteri in #478
- Fix translation. by @mauteri in #480
- Fix bug where online link shows when you click attend initially. by @mauteri in #481
- Update to .pot and fr_FR translation files by @patriciabt in #479
- Fix event start and end picker to use datetime format in settings. by @mauteri in #482
- Version 0.27.0 by @mauteri in #483
- .pot and fr_FR files for version 0.27 by @patriciabt in #484
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.3 to 1.15.4 by @dependabot in #486
- Added more Jest tests. by @mauteri in #487
- Added more tests. by @mauteri in #488
- Remove unnecesary test. by @mauteri in #489
- Updated language for block descriptions. by @mauteri in #490
- Document all code. by @mauteri in #491
- Better block descriptions + corrections by @patriciabt in #492
- Fix venue block bug. by @mauteri in #493
- Add user documentation to readme by @patriciabt in #494
- Corrections by @patriciabt in #497
- Spanish (Spain) translation by @javiercasares in #498
- Catalan translation by @javiercasares in #499
New Contributors
- @mauteri made their first contribution in #2
- @pbrocks made their first contribution in #49
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #53
- @hauvong made their first contribution in #62
- @phoopee3 made their first contribution in #144
- @jmarx made their first contribution in #153
- @bluecollarcoders made their first contribution in #277
- @prashantabellad made their first contribution in #427
- @patriciabt made their first contribution in #447
- @Prayag11 made their first contribution in #439
- @javiercasares made their first contribution in #498
Full Changelog: https://github.com/GatherPress/gatherpress/commits/0.27.0