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Gary0901 committed Oct 24, 2024
1 parent 1c945df commit b412f18
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Showing 3 changed files with 141 additions and 122 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion public/featureSelection.js
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
const _ = require('lodash');

// 接受指紋數據和一個唯一值閾值作為參數
function selectFeatures(fingerprintData, uniquenessThreshold = 0.1, stabilityThreshold = 0.7, minFeatures = 5 /* , maxComputationTime = 100 */) {
function selectFeatures(fingerprintData, uniquenessThreshold = 0.1, stabilityThreshold = 0.7, minFeatures = 7 /* , maxComputationTime = 100 */) {
//步驟一 : 收集所有用戶的所有屬性 reduce方法遍歷所有fingerprintData
const allFeatures = fingerprintData.reduce((acc,fp)=>{
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259 changes: 139 additions & 120 deletions public/userIdentification.js
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@@ -1,193 +1,212 @@
// 實現了 K nearest neighbors 的算法。它接受已知的指紋,新的指紋,選定的特徵值和K值作為參數。
const _= require('lodash'); //添加這行來引入 lodash

function determineOptimalK(totalFingerprints) {
// 常見的經驗法則 : k = √n,其中n為樣本總數
const k = Math.round(Math.sqrt(totalFingerprints.length));

// 設置合理的上下限
const minK = 3; // 至少要3個鄰居
const maxK = 15; // 至少要15個鄰居

return Math.min(Math.max(k,minK),maxK);

function identifyUser(knownFingerprints, newFingerprint, selectedFeatures){
const k = determineOptimalK(knownFingerprints);
if(knownFingerprints.length === 0 || selectedFeatures.length === 0) {
console.log("No known fingerprints of selected features.Treating as new user");
return {
isSameUser : false,
predictedUserId : null, // 使用 _id
confidence : 0,
nearestDistance : Infinity,
nearestNeighbors:[] // 添加以便追蹤
distance: Infinity,

// 計算指紋與所有已知指紋的距離
const distances =>{
const distance = calculateDistance(known, newFingerprint, selectedFeatures);
return {
userId: known._id, // 儲存 _id
distance : distance,
fingerprint: known.fingerprint // 保留fingerprint 以便除錯

// 按距離排序並選擇k個最近鄰
distances.sort((a,b) => a.distance - b.distance);
const nearestNeighbors = distances.slice(0, Math.min(k, distances.length));

// 分析最近鄰中的用戶ID分布
const userCounts = {};
userCounts[n.userId] = (userCounts[n.userId] || 0) +1;

// 選擇最多的用戶ID
const [mostFrequentUserId, count] = Object.entries(userCounts)
.sort((a,b)=>b[1] - a[1])[0];

// 計算 confidence
const confidence = count / k;

// 計算距離閾值
let meanDistance = 0;
let stdDevDistance = 0;
let threshold = Infinity;

if (nearestNeighbors.length > 0) {
meanDistance = _.mean( => n.distance));
stdDevDistance = Math.sqrt(_.mean( => Math.pow(n.distance - meanDistance, 2))));
threshold = meanDistance + stdDevDistance;
try {
// 計算指紋與所有已知指紋的距離
const distances =>{
const distance = calculateDistance(known, newFingerprint, selectedFeatures);
return {
userId: known._id, // 儲存 _id
distance : distance,
fingerprint: known.fingerprint // 保留fingerprint 以便除錯

// 按距離排序並選擇最近的匹配
distances.sort((a,b) => a.distance - b.distance);
const nearestMatch = distances[0];

// 設定閾值 (這個閾值需要根據實際數據調整)
const threshold = 0.2;

// 判斷是否為同一用戶。
const isSameUser = nearestMatch.distance < threshold;

console.log("Distance analysis:",{
nearestDistance : nearestMatch.distance,
threshold : threshold,
allDistances : distances

console.log("Nearest neighbors:",>({
console.log("Mean distance:",meanDistance,"StdDev:",stdDevDistance,"Threshold:",threshold);

return {
isSameUser : confidence >= 0.6 && distances[0].distance < threshold,
predictedUserId : mostFrequentUserId,
confidence : confidence,
nearestDistance : distances[0].distance,
threshold : threshold,
nearestNeighbors:nearestNeighbors // 返回最近鄰資訊以便除錯
return {
isSameUser : isSameUser,
predictedUserId : isSameUser ? nearestMatch.userId : null,
distance : nearestMatch.distance,
matches:distances // 返回所有距離供分析
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error in user identification:",error);
return {
isSameUser: false,
predictedUserId: null,
distance: Infinity,
error: error.message

function calculateDistance(fp1,fp2,selectedFeatures){
// 先印出debug的資訊
console.log("Calculating distance between",selectedFeatures);
function calculateDistance(fp1, fp2, selectedFeatures) {
console.log("Calculating distance between", selectedFeatures);

return selectedFeatures.reduce((sum,feature)=>{
const comp1 = fp1.components.find(c=>c.key === feature);
const comp2 = fp2.components.find(c=>c.key === feature);
return selectedFeatures.reduce((sum, feature) => {
const comp1 = fp1.components.find(c => c.key === feature);
const comp2 = fp2.components.find(c => c.key === feature);

if(!comp1 || !comp2) {
console.log(`Waring :Feature${feature} not found in one of the fingerprints`);
return sum + 1; // Treat missing features as maximum difference
console.log(`Warning: Feature ${feature} not found in one of the fingerprints`);
return sum + 1;

/* console.log(`Comparing feature ${feature}:`, {
value1: comp1.value,
type1: typeof comp1.value,
value2: comp2.value,
type2: typeof comp2.value
}); */

// 針對不同類型的特徵使用不同的比較方法
try {
let featureDistance;

switch (feature) {
// 螢幕相關
case 'screenResolution':
case 'availableScreenResolution':
// 確保值是字串或可以轉換為字串
const str1 = String(comp1.value);
const str2 = String(comp2.value);
if (str1.includes('x') && str2.includes('x')) {
const [width1, height1] = str1.split('x').map(Number);
const [width2, height2] = str2.split('x').map(Number);
const widthDiff = Math.abs(width1 - width2) / Math.max(width1, width2);
const heightDiff = Math.abs(height1 - height2) / Math.max(height1, height2);
return sum + (widthDiff + heightDiff) / 2;
featureDistance = (widthDiff + heightDiff) / 2;
} else {
featureDistance = str1 === str2 ? 0 : 1;
return sum + (str1 === str2 ? 0 : 1);


// 語言相關
case 'language':
case 'languages':
const langs1 = Array.isArray(comp1.value) ? comp1.value : [comp1.value];
const langs2 = Array.isArray(comp2.value) ? comp2.value : [comp2.value];
const langIntersection = langs1.filter(l => langs2.includes(l));
featureDistance = 1 - (langIntersection.length / Math.max(langs1.length, langs2.length));

// 插件相關
case 'plugins':
// 安全地處理插件資訊
const getPluginList = (value) => {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return value;
} else if (typeof value === 'string') {
return value.split(',');
} else if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
return Object.values(value);
if (Array.isArray(value)) return value;
if (typeof value === 'string') return value.split(',');
if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) return Object.values(value);
return [];

const plugins1 = new Set(getPluginList(comp1.value));
const plugins2 = new Set(getPluginList(comp2.value));
const intersection = new Set([...plugins1].filter(x => plugins2.has(x)));
const union = new Set([...plugins1, ...plugins2]);
return sum + (1 - (intersection.size / union.size));
featureDistance = 1 - (intersection.size / union.size);

// 渲染相關
case 'webgl':
// 處理 WebGL 資訊
case 'canvas':
case 'webglVendor':
case 'webglRenderer':
if (typeof comp1.value === 'object' && typeof comp2.value === 'object') {
// 如果是物件,比較其字串表示
return sum + (JSON.stringify(comp1.value) === JSON.stringify(comp2.value) ? 0 : 1);
featureDistance = JSON.stringify(comp1.value) === JSON.stringify(comp2.value) ? 0 : 1;
} else {
featureDistance = comp1.value === comp2.value ? 0 : 1;
return sum + (comp1.value === comp2.value ? 0 : 1);

// 硬體相關
case 'touchSupport':
// 處理觸控支援資訊
if (typeof comp1.value === 'object' && typeof comp2.value === 'object') {
const touch1 = comp1.value.maxTouchPoints || 0;
const touch2 = comp2.value.maxTouchPoints || 0;
return sum + (touch1 === touch2 ? 0 : 0.5);
featureDistance = touch1 === touch2 ? 0 : 0.5;
} else {
featureDistance = comp1.value === comp2.value ? 0 : 1;
return sum + (comp1.value === comp2.value ? 0 : 1);

case 'hardwareConcurrency':
case 'deviceMemory':
const value1 = Number(comp1.value) || 0;
const value2 = Number(comp2.value) || 0;
featureDistance = Math.abs(value1 - value2) / Math.max(value1, value2, 1);

// 字體相關
case 'fonts':
// 處理字體列表
const getFontList = (value) => {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return value;
} else if (typeof value === 'string') {
return value.split(',');
} else if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
return Object.values(value);
if (Array.isArray(value)) return value;
if (typeof value === 'string') return value.split(',');
if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) return Object.values(value);
return [];

const fonts1 = new Set(getFontList(comp1.value));
const fonts2 = new Set(getFontList(comp2.value));
const fontIntersection = new Set([...fonts1].filter(x => fonts2.has(x)));
const fontUnion = new Set([...fonts1, ...fonts2]);
return sum + (1 - (fontIntersection.size / fontUnion.size));

featureDistance = 1 - (fontIntersection.size / fontUnion.size);

// 時區相關
case 'timezone':
case 'timezoneOffset':
featureDistance = comp1.value === comp2.value ? 0 : 1;

// 瀏覽器/系統功能
case 'sessionStorage':
case 'localStorage':
case 'indexedDb':
case 'addBehavior':
case 'openDatabase':
featureDistance = comp1.value === comp2.value ? 0 : 1;

// 用戶代理相關
case 'userAgent':
case 'platform':
case 'vendor':
featureDistance = 1 - stringSimilarity(String(comp1.value), String(comp2.value));

// 預設比較邏輯
// 預設比較邏輯
if (typeof comp1.value === 'string' && typeof comp2.value === 'string') {
return sum + (1 - stringSimilarity(comp1.value, comp2.value));
featureDistance = 1 - stringSimilarity(comp1.value, comp2.value);
} else if (typeof comp1.value === 'number' && typeof comp2.value === 'number') {
return sum + Math.abs(comp1.value - comp2.value) / Math.max(Math.abs(comp1.value), Math.abs(comp2.value), 1);
featureDistance = Math.abs(comp1.value - comp2.value) / Math.max(Math.abs(comp1.value), Math.abs(comp2.value), 1);
} else if (typeof comp1.value === 'object' && typeof comp2.value === 'object') {
return sum + (JSON.stringify(comp1.value) === JSON.stringify(comp2.value) ? 0 : 1);
featureDistance = JSON.stringify(comp1.value) === JSON.stringify(comp2.value) ? 0 : 1;
} else {
return sum + (comp1.value === comp2.value ? 0 : 1);
featureDistance = comp1.value === comp2.value ? 0 : 1;

// 在計算完距離後,印出比較資訊
console.log(`Comparing ${feature}:`, {
value1: comp1.value,
value2: comp2.value,
distance: featureDistance

return sum + featureDistance;

} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error comparing feature ${feature}:`, error);
return sum + 1; // 如果比較出錯,視為最大差異
return sum + 1;
}, 0) / selectedFeatures.length;
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion server.js
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Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@'/login', async (req, res) => {
} */

// Select features
const selectedFeatures = allFingerprints.length > 0 ? selectFeatures(allFingerprints,0.1,0.7,5):[]; // 可以進一步降低閾值
const selectedFeatures = allFingerprints.length > 0 ? selectFeatures(allFingerprints,0.1,0.7,7):[]; // 可以進一步降低閾值
console.log("Selected Features:",selectedFeatures);

// 用戶識別
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