From 5ebc9aa6b2290444b89cd589836306c312b731dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: CCAstro35 <> Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2020 16:46:34 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Create SS_deviation.nb --- SS_deviation.nb | 124 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 124 insertions(+) create mode 100644 SS_deviation.nb diff --git a/SS_deviation.nb b/SS_deviation.nb new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c4c712b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/SS_deviation.nb @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +(* Content-type: application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica *) + +(*** Wolfram Notebook File ***) +(* *) + +(* CreatedBy='Mathematica 11.2' *) + +(*CacheID: 234*) +(* Internal cache information: +NotebookFileLineBreakTest +NotebookFileLineBreakTest +NotebookDataPosition[ 158, 7] +NotebookDataLength[ 3746, 114] +NotebookOptionsPosition[ 3098, 94] +NotebookOutlinePosition[ 3447, 109] +CellTagsIndexPosition[ 3404, 106] +WindowFrame->Normal*) + +(* Beginning of Notebook Content *) +Notebook[{ + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{"Phi", " ", "=", " ", + RowBox[{"\[Epsilon]", "*", + RowBox[{"Cos", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"\[Alpha]", "*", + RowBox[{"Log", "[", + RowBox[{"r", "/", "rs"}], "]"}]}], "-", " ", + RowBox[{"m", "*", "\[Theta]"}]}], "]"}]}]}]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.812299324365906*^9, 3.812299356510524*^9}, { + 3.812299402275013*^9, 3.8122995377713437`*^9}, {3.812299818940111*^9, + 3.8122998200058928`*^9}, {3.8122999006745744`*^9, 3.8122999093768873`*^9}, { + 3.8123001559084597`*^9, 3.8123001721667376`*^9}, {3.812300299371953*^9, + 3.8123003015950623`*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"1a3cd121-f0d7-4b0b-8a31-\ +cef8810b9fb0"], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{"\[Epsilon]", " ", + RowBox[{"Cos", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"m", " ", "\[Theta]"}], "-", + RowBox[{"\[Alpha]", " ", + RowBox[{"Log", "[", + FractionBox["r", "rs"], "]"}]}]}], "]"}]}]], "Output", + CellChangeTimes->{3.812299821517456*^9, 3.812299912268588*^9, + 3.812300302425089*^9},ExpressionUUID->"4bdcfee5-4a3f-47e2-8f72-\ +0eb84943074a"] +}, Open ]], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"Simplify", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"Laplacian", "[", + RowBox[{"Phi", ",", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"r", ",", "\[Theta]", ",", "z"}], "}"}], ",", + "\"\\""}], "]"}], " ", "/", " ", + RowBox[{"(", + RowBox[{"4", "*", "\[Pi]", "*", "G"}], ")"}]}], "]"}], + "\[IndentingNewLine]"}]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.8122998802940083`*^9, 3.8122998856883087`*^9}, { + 3.8122999428034587`*^9, 3.8122999445556717`*^9}, {3.8122999842974052`*^9, + 3.8123001315872946`*^9}, {3.812300177352112*^9, 3.8123001803575807`*^9}, { + 3.812300213842621*^9, + 3.812300395212168*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"d2abdc2c-8726-44cf-b72d-\ +1bcf85b987d6"], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{"-", + FractionBox[ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"(", + RowBox[{ + SuperscriptBox["m", "2"], "+", + SuperscriptBox["\[Alpha]", "2"]}], ")"}], " ", "\[Epsilon]", " ", + RowBox[{"Cos", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"m", " ", "\[Theta]"}], "-", + RowBox[{"\[Alpha]", " ", + RowBox[{"Log", "[", + FractionBox["r", "rs"], "]"}]}]}], "]"}]}], + RowBox[{"4", " ", "G", " ", "\[Pi]", " ", + SuperscriptBox["r", "2"]}]]}]], "Output", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.812300115175284*^9, 3.812300134601759*^9}, { + 3.81230026401114*^9, 3.8123003186143255`*^9}, 3.8123003504348726`*^9, + 3.812300396173873*^9},ExpressionUUID->"838887bb-5b71-45cf-87cd-\ +50eefe8b75b6"] +}, Open ]] +}, +WindowSize->{759, 526}, +WindowMargins->{{Automatic, 108}, {101, Automatic}}, +FrontEndVersion->"11.2 for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) (September 10, 2017)", +StyleDefinitions->"Default.nb" +] +(* End of Notebook Content *) + +(* Internal cache information *) +(*CellTagsOutline +CellTagsIndex->{} +*) +(*CellTagsIndex +CellTagsIndex->{} +*) +(*NotebookFileOutline +Notebook[{ +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[580, 22, 662, 14, 28, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"1a3cd121-f0d7-4b0b-8a31-cef8810b9fb0"], +Cell[1245, 38, 382, 10, 53, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"4bdcfee5-4a3f-47e2-8f72-0eb84943074a"] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[1664, 53, 705, 17, 48, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"d2abdc2c-8726-44cf-b72d-1bcf85b987d6"], +Cell[2372, 72, 710, 19, 103, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"838887bb-5b71-45cf-87cd-50eefe8b75b6"] +}, Open ]] +} +] +*) + +(* End of internal cache information *) +