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Hapi-Firebase Auth


If you have an App using Firebase Auth and need to connect them with your backend API, this is the plugin for you.

This auth strategy verify the token sent in the request and only grant access to valid tokens. Invalid tokens will get a 401 - Unauthorized response.


  • Compatible with Hapi v17
  • Firebase Admin initializer and loader
  • Gluten-free


Using NPM

npm install hapi-firebase-auth --save

Using Yarn

yarn add hapi-firebase-auth


Step 1 - Add auth strategy

Using a new Firebase Admin instance

In case you don't want to initialize Firebase Admin externally, pass your Firebase credentials using the property credential as shown below. This way the plugin will handle it for you.

// Load Hapi-Firebase Auth Strategy
const HapiFirebaseAuth = require('hapi-firebase-auth');

// Register the plugin
await server.register({
  plugin: HapiFirebaseAuth

// Include auth strategy
server.auth.strategy('firebase', 'firebase', {
  credential: {
    projectId: '<PROJECT_ID>',
    clientEmail: 'foo@<PROJECT_ID>',
    privateKey: '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n<KEY>\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n',
    databaseURL: 'https://<DATABASE_NAME>'

You can get the credentials for your project in your Firebase Console. More details here.

Using a pre-existing Firebase Admin instance

If there is already an existing Firebase Admin instance, pass it using the property instance as shown below.

// Load Hapi-Firebase Auth Strategy
const HapiFirebaseAuth = require('hapi-firebase-auth');

// Initialize the default app
const admin = require('firebase-admin');

// Register the plugin
await server.register({
  plugin: HapiFirebaseAuth

// Initialize the Admin SDK with your credentials
// This is an example of what it should look in your code
  credential: admin.credential.cert({
    projectId: '<PROJECT_ID>',
    clientEmail: 'foo@<PROJECT_ID>',
    privateKey: '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n<KEY>\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n'
  databaseURL: 'https://<DATABASE_NAME>'

// Include auth strategy using existing Firebase Admin instance
server.auth.strategy('firebase', 'firebase', {
  instance: admin

If you are having issues with Firebase Admin SDK, click here and make sure all your credentials are correct.

Step 2 - Setup routes

Add property auth with value firebase to the config object in the routes you want to protect.

  method: 'GET', 
  path: '/',
  config: { 
    auth: 'firebase' 
  handler(request, reply) { 
    return "Can't touch this!" 

Step 3 - Test requests

Send requests to the protected endpoints using the authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer ey3tn03g2no5ig0gimt9gwglkrg0495gj(...)
  • If the provided token is VALID, the endpoint will be accessible as usual.
  • If the provided token is INVALID or EXPIRED, a 401 - Unauthorized error will be returned.

Error codes

Code Description
token_not_provided Authorization header with Bearer keyword not found
auth_provider_not_initialized Firebase Admin was not initialized properly (check your credentials)
invalid_token The token is not valid. It could also be expired.


24/7 customer service available. You can find the number for your area on the back of this page.


Contribuitions are welcome and highly encouraged! This is a simple plugin but we can always make it better ;)