Release v0.5.0.beta.1
1134 commits
to release
since this release
What's Changed
- 1345 update react test utils by @scottqueen-bixal in #1388
- PXBF-ensure-prod-checkout: ensure prod checkout when moved by @scottqueen-bixal in #1390
- PXBF-1300-migrate-automated-nightly: remove migrated tests by @scottqueen-bixal in #1395
- 1393 stop tome by @XavierMetichecchia in #1403
- PXBF-870 criteria uncheck has-child validation by @gchi25 in #1402
- PXBF-uncomment-dev-null: uncomment dev null by @scottqueen-bixal in #1462
- Create backup bastion for more stable backup/restore pipelines by @casey-rapnicki-bixal in #1464
- Create backup bastion for more stable backup/restore pipelines by @casey-rapnicki-bixal in #1465
- 1367 zero benefits view by @scottqueen-bixal in #1471
- exclude blocks from storybook optimized dependencies array by @scottqueen-bixal in #1481
- PXBF-1452-scale-based-fonts: update fixed size fonts to rem based fonts by @scottqueen-bixal in #1470
- 1482 structure data layer by @scottqueen-bixal in #1489
- 1427 add search title field in life event by @gchi25 in #1472
- 1467 benefit link datalayer event by @scottqueen-bixal in #1491
- 1466 benefit click dataLayer event by @scottqueen-bixal in #1490
- 1338 disable auto json file generation in multi-content action by @gchi25 in #1483
- PXBF-PXBF-fix-lint-error: fix lint error by @gchi25 in #1506
- Release v0.5.0.beta.1 (sprint 34) by @scottqueen-bixal in #1502
- 1453 content translations zero ben by @scottqueen-bixal in #1508
- 1514 update result view value by @scottqueen-bixal in #1518
- 1516 update benefit event values by @scottqueen-bixal in #1519
- 1392 handle codes prod link test by @scottqueen-bixal in #1526
- new gtm event to track open all interactions on results view by @scottqueen-bixal in #1520
- 1525 clean benefit finder configuration by @gchi25 in #1529
- 1521 disable life event form delete if still used by @gchi25 in #1531
- 1541 remove deprecated function by @gchi25 in #1543
- 1536 1537 1538 datalayer updates by @scottqueen-bixal in #1551
- Release v0.5.0.beta.1 (sprint 35) by @scottqueen-bixal in #1546
- 1554 fix accordion open all by @scottqueen-bixal in #1559
- 1562 restructure results view by @scottqueen-bixal in #1563
- 1568 update packages by @scottqueen-bixal in #1569
- 1566 include screenshots on failure by @nehemiah-abuga in #1579
- Trufflehog precommit hook by @scottqueen-bixal in #1583
- PXBF-1544-zero-benefits-view: add zero benefits view validation by @nehemiah-abuga in #1578
- 1590 git hooks bugs by @scottqueen-bixal in #1591
- 1564 content update zero benefits header by @scottqueen-bixal in #1594
- Benefit Finder Release v0.5.0.beta.1 (Sprint 36) by @scottqueen-bixal in #1593
- 1535 change section heading rem by @scottqueen-bixal in #1586
- 1590 git hooks bugs by @scottqueen-bixal in #1595
- 1548 update gtm e2e tests by @scottqueen-bixal in #1592
- Benefit Finder Release v0.5.0 (Sprint 36) QA & Automated tests by @scottqueen-bixal in #1596
- Release v0.5.0.beta.1 by @scottqueen-bixal in #1597
Full Changelog: v0.4.1.beta.1...v0.5.0.beta.1